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Posts posted by Lasso

  1. 14 minutes ago, ultrabanisters said:

    this lyric is genius idc it can be interpreted so many ways :true:


    I really like the contrast between her earlier lyrics where she mentioned a lot of american-made cars (Cadillac, Chevrolet, Pontiac), but in Arcadia she mentions foreign cars (Toyota etc)... then the Land Rover lyric is so cute, like, she's the land, and she wants the guy to wander over her :flutter: (I love Land Rovers lol)


  2. 1 minute ago, drugsdesire said:

    there was this one comment where someone asked how the chickens are doing and lana said they had to get rid of em because cats and chickens dont go together :ma::ma:

    the way these huge ass german shepherds probably got along better with the chickens than 2 cats :oic2:

  3. 1 minute ago, ultrabanisters said:

    idk what dis is but i googled and this graph sums us up so well


    In behaviorism, Intermittent Reinforcement is a conditioning schedule in which a reward or punishment (reinforcement) is not administered every time the desired response is performed.  

    from google lol I remember it slightly from when I studied it in college, I feel like a participant in an experiment rn

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