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Posts posted by Lasso

  1. y'all if you don't like Lana's new writing style then just let her go :icant: it's that simple, you don't have to force yourself to like anything, it's ok if you only like some of her albums, she's literally never going back to pre NFR... wishing that will only make you feel miserable and create pointless drama

  2. I used to follow Lana news on instagram but I thought most fans on ig are annoying. So I moved to youtube and the community was much nicer but also dry (not very big). Then I moved to reddit and that gave me ulcers because they're so gullible and also every other post is like "I don't want Lana to make ballads anymore can she just go back to writing about old men and drugs like she used to in 2012 :((((". Now I'm on LanaBoards and ofc there are still some annoying people but this is the funnest community by far. :trisha: I'm glad to be here, pls don't let people post boob pics if LB gets taken down I have nowhere to go

  3. omg it's crazy how many info we got :hdu: just 2 days ago this thread was dry af, look at us now

    Imo titles can be deceiving, I thought Dance Till We Die was a corny title, but I love the song. Violets for Roses sounded beautiful, but I don't like the song at all, I appreciate it though :xgiggle:


    anyways, I don't mind the piano, what I really am excited to hear are her lyrics. If something she sings touches my soul I'll listen to it over a fart sound for all I care :deadbanana: again, that's just me.  

    But also claiming Fishtail, Taco Truck and Peppers. Lana pls feed me :fabcat:




  4. 2 minutes ago, Nahime said:

     Thanks for proving my point.


    damn I didn’t need to open my only fan account.


    I am so powerfull that I made those lessons loosing their unstable minds :burn:

      Reveal hidden contents


    Good, now open a duolingo account so you can learn English better - your comebacks are stupid, they don't need to be gramatically incorrect as well.

  5. 3 minutes ago, Fingertips said:

    It's always grown men who get laid in plane bathrooms or host large orgies at their boss' vacation home in Key West that have the most to say about how women supposedly objectify themselves via nude expression in their art 


    :lange: pls you're wearing us out tonight

  6. 3 minutes ago, Nahime said:

    I do think it is sad to use your sexuality to sell. It just reinforces the idea that women are sexual objects in this society of consumerism.



    That's a very superficial way of looking at it. It's a very tasteful photograph in the cover of an album in which she's definitely expressing her mind. She's not an object - we just choose to look at her as one.

    When we keep saying we wish Lana would do what we want to so we could feel satisfied, aren't we treating her as an object too?

    So she's just kind of extrapolating that. Somewhere her body marred her soul indeed...

  7. Lana is transcending the main pop girl scene into a legendary status.

    She was never really mainstream, but she could ride on the coattails of her debut album (that came out 11 years ago and it's still breaking records) if she wanted to. Yet she's still taking a risk because people are fucking stupid and misogynistic and they'll criticize women for anything. She's building an envy enducing legacy for her and for people who truly admire her. 

    Her right boob is more iconic than some people's entire existence. I love her even more for being so fearless and authentic.


    Also, imagine getting worked up because of a breast. I hope some of y'all never come across the sex book. 

  8. 1 minute ago, daphnedinkley said:

    i really do feel like this is the era and album she’s basically just said “fuck it”, thrown caution to the wind and completely expressed herself and reclaimed her identity and autonomy. i mean, the idea of AW alone is enough to suggest she’ll be sharing a lot of personal experiences and potentially even anger on this record, but the titty pic today was genuinely such a fkn amazing moment and statement like…. what a fucking POWER MOVE, we as stans have assumed that lana has struggled with her body image in the past as well as in recent years - some photo editing we noticed, the lyrics of BBS, etc - so to come out and share an image like that of her naked breast, something us girlies are taught to be ashamed of and insecure about…. it’s honestly beautiful and touching, it seems so liberating to do that, just to put yourself out there like that. and then there’s the speculation that she’ll be performing on the late late show - if this does happen and if she does indeed perform *live*, how amazing would that be? a real reclamation after swearing she’d never do live TV performances again after the SNL debacle!! taking back her power as an artist and a public figure!!


    seeing lana become more and more free means so much to me as a woman and it’s honestly inspiring, i love her so much <3


    this is so beautiful :xcry: her feminine energy is seriously unmatched

  9. 1 minute ago, Fingertips said:

    HOLY MOLY  :lange:

    The anima, or soul, appears as a young girl, maiden, a dancer, a nymph or nixie. A Nixie is a water sprite whose fishtail connects her to her “superhuman nature” (Jung, 1951, p.184), and she inhabits the watery underworld of lakes, oceans, rivers, and ponds. We all recognize the Nixie image in the mermaid – both a young girl or maiden with a fishtail, connecting her to the realm of the supernatural or spiritual. In German literature, the Lorelei are nixies who sit on rocks beside the Rhine River and lure men to their deaths:

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