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Posts posted by Lasso

  1. Just now, kraljicabenzinske said:

    here's the link where i found the grandfather fishing title: https://musicbrainz.org/release-group/247ec1bd-06a6-4faa-af47-f64d7caa1f71/edits

    there is also another title - "Fishtails"


    and my January 5th post which i blanked cus people made fun of me for "falling for it" i cant believe its literally almost true now LIKE WHO'S LAUGHING NOW :defeated:






    I saw the same title with the "his" typo in a german site

    maybe it's just a typo, like the one's she makes on violet

  2. grandfather please stand on the shoulders of my father while he’s deep sea fishing

    grandpa please stand on the shoulders of my father while he’s deep sea fishing

    god please stand on the shoulders of my father while he’s deep sea fishing


    god please stand on the shoulders of my father when he’s deep sea fishing

    grandpa please stand on the shoulders of my father when he’s deep sea fishing

    god please stand on the shoulders of my father when he’s deep sea fishing

  3. 1 minute ago, Sportscruiser said:


    That’s a bit reductive on a whole and factually wrong on some parts. Let’s start with the latter.


    Lana has already tapped into rock music with Ultraviolence and folk/country with Chemtrails; indie music as a form of categorization is getting more and more obsolete if you don’t add anything next to the term “indie” so in that sense and if you think about her entire career, she’s done indie music through her entire catalogue. Said catalogue has had an incredible variety of sounds and inspirations, ranging from hip-hop, trip-hop and trap… all the way to rock, jazz, blues, folk, surf rock and Americana. Few artists of her magnitude and fame can brag themselves about doing the same - they don’t have to but if there’s something that’s truly undeniable about Lana is her immense versatility and how she was able to translate that into records who go for different soundscapes but manage to sound inherently like Lana.


    Which brings me to the other point: your comment is absurdly reductive because it reduces Lana to this automaton who needs to deliver something drastically different - something that’s truly symptomatic about how female musicians are perceived and the immense pressure the industry (and fans) put on them that’s constantly demanding them to reinvent themselves. I’m not saying anything brand new or original here but so aren’t you. This incessant need to criticize and project your own expectations onto an artist who has done enough in her career to provide variety (most of the times going against the mainstream spheres and having her originality being repurposed by other artists who get a lot of cred for doing what she did years before them) is exactly why I’m surprised she’s still doing music at all. Being a filmmaker myself, I can’t imagine what it must be to have to deal constantly with this level of scrutiny and authority, like artists aren’t allowed to do whatever they please anymore.


    At this point, if her career decisions and artistry aren’t something that cater to your sensibilities or expectations, I suggest you shift gears and invest your time on something other than tearing an artist down for not doing whatever you feel like they should be doing. You’ll see you’ll be spending your time in a more fruitful manner and on the other side of the road, people like us will be spared of offensively reductive opinions by someone who acts like a reddit edgelord without any substance to back up their arguments.


    I want this tattooed on my face :true:

  4. 6 minutes ago, burthday kake said:

    BOZ on atrl just now:  


    "No shade, but please use MORE brain.

    We have entire album credits and yall be guessing the sampled song to be some Rick tracks. Does nobody on the forum know that for any sample or interpolation clearance entire set of writers of the original track gets credited"


    fvhvdcsjkdcfh:eek2:just killed the Honeymoon theories 




    kinda rude but ok lol it's def venice bitch then

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