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Posts posted by Lasso

  1. 5 minutes ago, bluechemtrails said:

    It depends on whether they skillfully develop their style further or whether they frantically cling to old recipes that once led them to success but have long since ceased to have any effect.

    Fortunately, Lana is experimental and resourceful enough and we don't have to worry here. With many artists, it's already over after two or three albums.


    This. If she came back to the BTD style people would bash her for trying to hard. We are so lucky to have such an authentic person giving us 1 album per year :smile4:

  2. I'm loving this thread, you guys are so smart :shock:

    Religion is probably my favorite Lana song, and I always loved the way BN fades into it. Now that I've read the poem itself and also read a little bit about it, here's my 2 cents



    Before the poem there's this epigraph that reads "Although logos is common to all, most people live as if they had a wisdom of their own." Since the quote is from an ancient greek philospher, logos refers to wisdom, but it was borrowed by Christianity to designate Jesus' Word (pure wisdom). That made me think of Religion coming right after BN - perhaps Lana wishes to live this romance with someone and not feel guilty about loving them so unconditionally, like christians love Christ and vice-versa, as she feels that loving someone that much is seen as a weakness by modern day society, but it's actually the natural way of things; but that has been clouded by excessive reason, which is not the same thing as wisdom. 


    Then, the first scene of the poem is a dreamlike sequence, with a rose garden, birds, pools and other natural imagery. I believe Lana chose this specific part mainly because of the aesthetics, but also as a way to reflect on time and eternity. I think it's interesting how Lana stops reading right before "My words echo thus, in your mind" ---> I think UV and HM are her most melancholic albums, often reflecting about the past, being dissatisfied with the present, and expressing fear for the future, spefically growing old, losing beauty and being forgotten. She's afraid that after she's gone, no one will remember her. So she doesn't want to care anymore and decides to live life more hedonistically - thus Religion and Salvatore are about enjoying life and indulging in pleasure, and Swan Song is about ultimately giving in and being free.


    Then the third scene narrates a very gloomy and souless place (that turns to be the London Underground), where people move even though they're standing still. In my opinion the contrast between this 2 scenes is so fucking cool. I think Lana is at the same time fascinated and scared by technology (a theme she explored a lot more on NFR and some poems from Violet), and this part of the poem made me think of that). 




  3. 3 minutes ago, Fingertips said:

    Lana studied Philosophy at Fordham. She's an intellectual; there is absolutely no way she didn't know who Joni Mitchell was.  :pls:

    RIGHT. :true: Just listen to her very old songs like Fordham Road and Blizzard, she was already writing conversational songs back then

  4. 3 minutes ago, VioletBunny said:

    so you’re telling me that the switch up from MAC and Venice Bitch to the rest of NFR is because of Courtney Love… hold me back im serious


    tbh I think this is a big lie, because if Lana only knew Joni's music after recording VB and MAC in 2018, she wouldn't have done Bartender in 2017 (non conventional structure and the "ladies of the canyon" lyric...) no way Lana didn't know who Joni Mitchell is lol

  5. 1 minute ago, Thoth said:

    From Courtney Love’s interview:


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    Love also claimed she introduced Lana Del Rey to the music of Joni Mitchell. “She described a record she wanted to make to me, and I’m like, ‘Oh you mean Hissing Of Summer Lawns,’ which, I don’t even like that record. She’s like, ‘what’s that?’ I’m like, ‘It’s a Joni Mitchell record.’ She’s like, ‘Who’s that?'” “Wow,” Maron interjects. Love: “I know.” Love said that she got her friend “all the Joni” vinyl at a Portland record store after which Lana “changed her ******* whole thing.”

    I’m guessing it’s the change came with NFR


    not sure how to feel about this :um3: I

  6. I love doing stuff like this




    This is my concept album for my favorite weird/creepy songs from the Lizzy Grant era:


    1. Get Drunk
    2. Boarding School
    3. Crooked Cop
    4. Greenwich
    5. Run Motorcycle
    6. Disco
    7. Roll With Me (On the Radio)
    8. Maha Maha
    9. Catch and Release
    10. Pin Up Galore
    11. Ben
    12. Noir


    I still have some other mixtapes, and I'm also trying to come up with a concept for the new leaks! (I don't really like making album demos, because I usually don't listen to demo versions of released songs, so this should be a little harder since most of the new songs are from album sessions, but I'll find a way)





  7. 4 minutes ago, ChaoticLipster said:

    Nothing on this album will be that far out…all of her songs will still have a certain familiarity. She’s not exactly going to step out with a punk rock song and heavy metal here she’s not that dynamic production wise.  It’s still gonna be similar to LFL, similar to Norman, Similar to BB, born to die etc


    Ok but imagine the gag if she did something more rock oriented, that California snippet just reminded me of how much I miss Lana + electric guitars 

    I know it's probably not gonna happen :true: but a girl can dream 

    Anyway, I'm really open to whatever she comes up with. I don't usually have expectations for anything tbh 

  8. there's a new revolution, a loud evolution that i saw

    born of confusion and quiet collusion of which, mostly i've known

    a modern-day woman with a weak constitution, 'cause i've got

    monsters still under my bed that i could never fight off

    a gatekeeper carelessly dropping the keys on my nights off




    And then there was the issue of her

    I didn't even like myself or love the life I had

    And there you were with shining stars

    Standing blue with open arms

    You touched the detriment most of the friends I knew

    Already had

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