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Everything posted by DNC

  1. the times is a joke. in what world is glastonbury or their opinion on her popularity relevant to reviewing an album??
  2. i get they don't matter that much but why do the best reviews not count for metacritic manifesting a 100 from some american magazines
  3. the fact that there's NO WAY it's just that the magazine messed up... we're really saying goodbye to the haunting masterpiece that is CN
  4. ur right... why does it identify songs with rosemead exclusive baby all over them but not CN
  5. AHAmusic didn't identify it for me. maybe it was just bc of the low quality, but...
  6. i don't think so - but in a scrapped track (that got replaced with candy necklace) she was screaming in the chorus apparently
  7. he said the song candy necklace replaced was chaotic and featuring "lana screaming in the chorus", but she ultimately went for a more accesible song
  8. DNC

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    "Pill case for ur vitamins" sure lana, vitamins...
  9. i'm somewhat worried about CN.. like, a track between two interludes NEEDS to be phenomenal or at least really different, and it seems the track that got replaced was exactly that
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