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Everything posted by Nevermind

  1. You’d be a lot hotter if you quit talking and we’re just naked instead.
  2. @Fingertips is really the Dragonslayer tonight
  3. Lmfao if that’s why she chose the title and it’s the controversial song on the album
  4. Ugh. Hope is a dangerous thing for a lipster to have - but I have it Im hoping Jack had the audios saved and she just has to go back and re type them out.
  5. I get a lump in my throat every time I read this. Like I know it’s not coming but I’ve delulued myself into thinking there’s a chance it’ll come out someday
  6. Lol someone on Exhale really was jealous of her tits
  7. I need the titty pick to be a cover too so I can put it on my shelf display
  8. They’ve been getting a few indie exclusives and selling them as UO exclusives. I follow a bunch of indie stores on Instagram and they ALL said their stock was super limited so it’s disappointing to see a chain get the same one.
  9. Miley didn’t get those fucking horse boots and she won’t get that number 1 album either.
  10. I live in rural BFE Colorado. We don’t have shit like that here lmao. I was gonna go to the A&W for a rb float but AW ruined that.
  11. The day I see “Liz I’m Calling From Calihoma” on an official track list I will drop dead. My fav fake title.
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