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Everything posted by Nevermind

  1. Guys don’t report me please! I was just joking! and idk who Acid is. I’m not her tho. I’m sorry. I’ll keep my crush on Rob to myself from now on.
  2. Tbf I’d suck Rob off under water. The joy on his face would inspire Lana to write a song for sure.
  3. You could be on to something with this. If you google the definition of fishtails noun an object that is forked like a fish's tail. "carved detail including fishtail terminals on the banisters" verb (of a vehicle) make a fishtail movement. "the vehicle fishtailed from one side of the road to the other" So there’s a couple ways this song could go. I hope it’s number 14 tho because it would fuck so hard over that AK track
  4. I said this yesterday too. Definitely think she’s sampling the line “they gon write about it like they was right about it”
  5. No girl the lyrics are “I’d like to hold HER head under water” she didn’t change the lyrics from the original.
  6. Damn it how did I miss all the foot talk
  7. Quit using BB first week to guess what this will do. BB didn’t have the hype and vinyl didn’t count for first week sales. Also pretty sure they pressed less for that album to get it out quicker. It took me months to track down a black vinyl in stores. BB was thrown together quickly based on all the changes it went through between May-October. It was out 7 months after COCC so there wasn’t as much anticipation from casual listeners/GP.
  8. Thanks for the clarification. I know a lot about the mixing/mastering process but I didn’t know this. Cool info for music nerds!
  9. i think this will be the Tommy sample/collab. Specifically the part where she says “they gonna write about it like the right about it.”
  10. Posting this again. She’s not sampling MUSIC she’s sampling lyrics/melody. If Tommy G is a sample, she gets writing credit. Lana used those piano tracks, the composers get writing credit. If she used WC synth or MTWBT flute Dan or Rick would be credited because they were credited as writers on the original song and they’re sampling the original song. If she samples a lyric/melody that she wrote she doesn’t have to give the same credit. Edit: by this logic the Tommy sample is Eden or Hate Demon because those are the only 2015 Tommy tracks she’s credited as sole writer/producer Also, if we’re right about the “lights camera accion” like from HBTB it originated from PMIAM of which she is the sole writer.
  11. My money is on “lights camera acción” from HBTB as well. Can’t find the original post that said that to quote.
  12. 1. I think the first world of the long acronym is Girls. It’s got a maritime theme too if I remember correctly. Maybe something about sirens or something? Idk 2. the sample: The album cover says “lyrics and melodies by Lana Del Rey” so my guess is that she’s sampling lyrics/melody and not the actual track. Thinking FMWUTTT sample in Ultraviolence. Her pre-2019 collaborators aren’t credited on writing or the cover so I’m guessing she’s not sampling the track (ie, strings, vocals)
  13. Tayter likes Lana tho so probably won’t release on the same day to give her at least a week at 1 or 2. I also don’t think Miley will be that hard to beat. Most people on the vinyl pages I follow are gagging her for using ugly/basic colors that don’t match the artwork. Or they aren’t buying because it’s too expensive for a 1LP. Lana definitely has the pure sales in the bag and tbh that’s all I really care about.
  14. I have the same feeling! Except I’m getting Cherry meets Bartender vibes, idk why. Also an LP can hold up to 22 min of music. If The Grants is 5ish min(just a guess), TUOB is 4:45, A&W is over 7 then there’s 3-4 minutes for Sweet. Glad each side will be full of music this time tho, the BB vinyls we’re split weird as there was SO MUCH dead wax.
  15. Nevermind

    Taylor Swift

    Farts. Just like on Your Girl
  16. Nevermind

    Miley Cyrus

    Miss Miley really trifling as hell for this. The Ride monologue rip off (sounds like something I wrote in 6th grade tbh). The album title. But mostly the release date- I do understand it’s a label decision made months in advance and they’re in competing labels but still. Anyway, I WAS looking forward to Destiny’s album but now I probably won’t listen to it until Mid May- and that’s IF Kelgod Clarkson doesn’t release something by then.
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