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Everything posted by ever

  1. https://www.instagram.com/p/C2QFWhxva_K/?utm_source=ig_web_copy_link it's already her most liked post
  2. https://sparklejumpropequeen.os.fan/exclusive try this link
  3. https://twitter.com/lanabrasil/status/1748095053786931652?t=vICPRWG_7C7N5rXWLurG-w&s=19 the new layout
  4. the motherquake has officially reached azerbaistan. the impact has taken the lives of 47,098 civilliyuhs and has destroyed 200 miles of infrastructure. public services out. public served? in.
  5. https://twitter.com/LDRWorld1/status/1748043384407633935?t=Kx1hlh9mL9zaiQmEPN2byw&s=19 OMG
  6. https://twitter.com/neil_krug/status/1746242631716503754?t=LF4ddkeCAyWf1U-7jwpNUw&s=19
  7. https://x.com/SpotifyLana/status/1744773048958357648?s=20 she needs to make it a single
  8. ever

    Instagram Updates

    lana deserves all the grammys period.
  9. ever

    Instagram Updates

    how can you not say mother
  10. 2 songs pulling +500k streams ohh oceangod blvd https://twitter.com/SpotifyLana/status/1742961143688126480?t=ao07GAxP6lOYCQjchbkZVg&s=19
  11. ever

    Instagram Updates

    people on twitter are saying it's about her sobriety https://twitter.com/wait4lifestan/status/1741976313840156889?t=9AxOezDoAv9d-QksRJI3dQ&s=19
  12. let the light in and state of grace
  13. I'd love a mitski x lana collab, they would sound so good together
  14. grammy wins unreleased collection a proper world tour LDR10 lead single early December a big movie soundtrack
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