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Everything posted by Honeymoonwitch

  1. Honeymoonwitch

    Taylor Swift

    Did I miss something what is this info ?
  2. This video was really good it already had more than 100k views under 44 minutes. I guess recent events made people be more active. I just hate she wasn’t in the video we waited months for her not to even be there. Still a serve though. how much longer for the rest of the videos ??? Come on Melanie
  3. Kinda hoping Lana won’t release anything anymore cause Kali uchis new album is out may 6th and Marina is also on the way…. My wallet is not ok rn.
  4. Honeymoonwitch

    Kali Uchis

    Just bought the limited vinyl on her website it’s such a serve !!!!
  5. Does an album preorder take long to make ? After Henry is released how long do we have to wait for preorders ?
  6. Well I woke up to the best news but Lana no date really girl 😭
  7. Ok let’s pretend Lana is going to release Henry next month for stagecoach. One country song for a country festival… ? What songs can she even sing ? Unless she sings almost the entire new album and later in may finally releases Trpws.
  8. I’m a newer fan so what story will the bsides tell?
  9. Miley’s new album comes out may 30 featuring 13 tracks. Lana where are you ???
  10. Honeymoonwitch

    Taylor Swift

    People are clowning for tomorrow 😭 I can’t do this anymore. She can keep her fire rep tv songs at this point
  11. So weeks ago there were rumors of another collab with Taylor and now “insiders” are saying there’s a collab with a country artist. Kacey ? Dolly? Yet we have no prove the album is actually happening
  12. I still think this is better than butterfly. Definitely cute
  13. It’s probably a promo single like let me love you But I’m so thirsty for any new Lana song I’ll take it !!!
  14. Ok now this is a serve finally 😭
  15. I mean someone on here just spilled Henry is coming soon ish
  16. Honeymoonwitch

    Taylor Swift

    Wait she didn’t even attend the show byeeee
  17. Honeymoonwitch

    Taylor Swift

    Maybe the eras doc not debutation
  18. Honeymoonwitch

    Kali Uchis

    she’s feeding us good The little trailer gave me lust for life vibes. Lana collab incoming!!!
  19. Verde and Melanie are both being messy tbh 😭
  20. I think she forgets she’s a public figure and most people that get to meet her and take pics make false promises…. I still get a bad vibe from Jeremy though.
  21. He straight up called her a liar. Yet he sold his book with pictures of her and a lithograph…
  22. So a lot of people seem to be dropping albums in may so maybe Lana will also end up dropping something 😭
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