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Posts posted by Genesee

  1. 23 minutes ago, Escapism said:

    out of place?? lana??? with bare feet????  

    *uhmmm i feel like I also need to clarify these are very real examples of lana being lana not some foot fetish shit.. pretty sure there’s a thread for that already here for some reason..…. but that is not what this is! this is just proof lana is being so real and truthful while writing lyrics.. a true artist!!! 





    I should rephrase - not out of place. Just really fucking weird :sideeye:

  2. 1 hour ago, wilting daisy said:



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    seriously tho, the vocals & production are part of what makes the song. its why some people prefer live versions or demos of songs or lean towards specific artists covering certain songs. like those are situations where its technically the exact same song with the same melody and lyrics but there's somwthing about it that makes it sonically more or less enjoyable based on your specific taste. and yeah being used to a certain version can make you prefer it but that's not a bad thing either. like most of us have memories with those original versions, its fine for us to be attached to them. like i understand some fans (especially newer or more casual ones) not noticing the differences or prefering the rerecorded versions since we have different experiences with these songs and that's ok. idk why people get so upset when anyone admits they prefer the originals to the taylors versions especially since most of us still buy the rerecordings and support taylor's decision to rerecord her music. we shouldn't have to whisper in secret about enjoying songs we've been listening to for over a decade.


    no i totally agree, listen to whichever version suits you more! taylor is nearly a billionaire, she can live without a couple of streams :oop2:


    i'm just personally annoyed by the fans who actually get mad and ruin the vibe everytime a new re-recording is released because she doesn't sound the same as when she was like 19. now that being said, reputation is my favorite album and i will be a little sad if she butchers it, being the passion of an old relationship is gone. but the old versions will still always be there if you need 'em, so i think there should just be less negativity surrounding the rerecordings.

  3. 24 minutes ago, taco truck said:

    Apparently an unpopular opinion in this thread but I think for the most part the re recordings sound exactly like the og recordings:awkney2:

    right? people have grown way too emotionally attached to the original vocals and need to face the fact that they won't like the re-recordings for that reason. i only started getting into her last year so the differences people hear in most re-recordings are nonexistent to me. with the exception of wangbt, 22, and lwymmd because those actually really do sound different 

  4. not bringing back up the allegations topic but specifically the ai one. it is scary how real that sounds. i watched hundreds of interviews of her in 2016 when i was a die-hard fan, and i still wouldn't have batted an eye had i not seen the tweet. the little pauses, the way she kinda raises the tone in some words.. it's all there. what the fuck :oprah2:

  5. 3 hours ago, Psychedelic Pussy said:

    People who buy more than 1 of the different discs, cassettes or vinyl versions of ONE album are absolutely fucking insane sorry :hair:

    i'm having a hard time getting myself to buy even one version of 1989 TV because i already own the original on vinyl, let alone fucking four. i really feel bad for swiftie collectors :air:

  6. 4 hours ago, cherrytropico said:

    it really isn’t stupid :bebe: it’s just not classy. you can’t tell me it’s cute to show up in a full white dress to someone’s wedding when every other guest is wearing different colors. lana’s outfit hasn’t quite crossed the line because it’s a short casual dress, there’s pink on it, and she’s wearing pink sandals (although i personally would’ve toned the dress down with a pink cardigan instead of a white one). again lana didn’t make a huge mistake and margaret surely doesn’t have a problem so all’s well, but majority of brides would’ve still given her a side eye lol. 

    it really just is a color to me, i wouldn't care if someone showed up in white to my wedding. just seems like a bunch of dramatics. class really has nothing to do with it imo, wear what you want :oopna2:

  7. 17 minutes ago, jimmyjimmycocoapuff said:

    a lot of people on reddit have said this- but the vibes are a bit off on this TV! like the covers are pretty and all, but i want a nyc starring at the sunset cover aesthetic serve, y'know??

    i have a feeling the next two covers will have the same vibes, judging from the slivers of what you can see on the deluxe cds. anyone else feel the same?


    taylor rebranded red to be more of a fall album to support all too well 10mv, so i think she may be changing 1989 to a beachy aesthetic to possibly support the vault tracks? which i honestly like more than the nyc vibe :true:

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