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Everything posted by CnrHxH

  1. Praying they rerelease the heart vinyl and Honeymoon standard cover red vinyl, oh and the LFL cassette as it's expensive! Happy more people are getting these rare records, pls never pay the stupid resale prices!!
  2. Wow trying to comprehend last night but this was my first-time seeing Lana after missing out her previous London shows (had tickets to the cancelled 2020), and oh my god she was so perfect! When you could hear her sing she was so majestic and looked like she was having fun, just wished she'd of sung some collabs with that curated lineup!! Managed to get pretty close on the left side of GA with a decent view but kinda wish I went for the golden circle tickets. Also made friends with others over our distaste for the TikTok crowd that was everywhere lol! Now to wait many more years for her to comeback!
  3. Oh my god thanks! I have the original but it's warped and unplayable so this is a god send!!
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