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Everything posted by lanasozempicpen

  1. question for the gays about a lryic because I'm finally reading the official ones and theyre hitting me In one year, we've learned the turn of the mouth The depth that the chest cavity takes Chucky was there for three out of three I was there for the third 'cause I couldn't be There for the one who was closest to me is she talking about missing funerals here?
  2. I hear knife in the heart too I don’t know how wed be hearing it wrong unless she made an F sound during night, but theres no F sound near that lyric for it to be misunderstood as knife. maybe its just her lisp p sure she was medicated when momma was trying to "fix er up"
  3. This part starts out by basically saying that she doesn't always appreciate god's creation of the human mind, the thoughts that she has, but she literally needs a brain to live. She then delves into the irony of needing a brain and thoughts to be alive, yet those same things also contribute to the contemplation and fear that she introduces at the beginning of this song. "There's irony in the music, it's a tragedy...I see nothing Greek in it" It wasn’t my idea, the cocktail of things that twist neurons inside I thought she was medicated?
  4. Lana to Charlie about smoking: "Hey, please, can you stop smoking? It's really bothering me and it's not good for your health either. I care about you and I don't want to see you suffer in the future. I know it's your choice, but it affects everyone around you. The smell, the second-hand smoke, and the risk of diseases. It's just not worth it. But anyways, where's my vape? I'm feeling a little nauseous."
  5. top 5 song out of her whole discography yup who else deleted JS interlude sksdlfsdjl HOW DID HE SNEAK IN!!!!! I DELETED YOU!
  6. had me at the first two but you're going to need to explain yourself with that last one
  7. I think the avg is about $.001, but example is ESV made about $1.7m on Spotify, times every other service, probably close to $8m. I don’t know how much she is selling physical but streams make up a big part of music sales today.
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