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Everything posted by lanasozempicpen

  1. She could also be standing and singing it on a WW tour but
  2. Rockefeller was one of the richest in American history. He also was portrayed as a villain for some shit he did, so makes sense in the song with how she gets uncomfortable throughout.
  3. I don’t think people have an issue with the BTS and how it’s not a traditional video, but how it kept jumping back and forth between BTS clips and music every 30 seconds. I understand the whole point, but just wish there was more shots other than just someone recording what the $30k camera rig is recording.
  4. So, basically in the song, "candy necklaces" might be like a symbol for something sweet and temporary - you know, like when you eat candy and it's awesome but it doesn't last long. The chorus is talking about a relationship that's really intense and exciting, but also maybe not super stable. The "candy necklaces" idea is a way to show that the relationship is fun and enjoyable, but it might not be something that lasts forever. imo
  5. I’m just glad we didn’t get another iPhone video
  6. I wasn’t a huge fan of the BTS being so much of the video but I understand the video would have been odd with just cutesy shots.
  7. miss girl was wearing the iconic priscilla wig
  8. yea idg people talking about it lol like we should just have tags for posts so you can filter them better (like if you wanted to look at rankings but theyre all over different threads)
  9. After taking the time to listen to this album a few times and approaching it without bias by not comparing it to her previous work, I would give it a 7/10 rating. While I appreciate the new sound, it doesn't quite resonate with me as much as her earlier work. However, I must note that "TUNNEL VISION" is a beautifully nostalgic song that showcases her talent. As for future releases, I hope to hear more of CB K12's beats and sounds, although it seems like she's moving away from that style.
  10. what do we think the tour is going to be called? I never got that idea but is that what she means when she said she has summer bruises on her knees? or is that her praying
  11. fests are fun because even though its like 2x the price of a concert, you can see multiple favs!
  12. ill tend to throw final mixes and demos in the standard album, as a "second disc" and almost make it into a deluxe and have them as "alternate versions". for the rest of the versions, I made a demo and mix album for those. for the unrelease collection, I don’t know what to do with that but I dont like scrolling through 400 songs to find the one thing I want to play, then hear the same thing again just different mix LOL
  13. LOL first listens are always the lowest. the album as grown on me a little bit! but when I say sounds like harry or Billie, I mean it sounds like radio pop music, like this song was made with the intention of going mainstream. I just miss crybaby sound
  14. my (probably controversial) review so far, on first listen. not finished listening but this is what ive gotten through so far. DEATH 5/10 I like the beat for the second half. The lyrics have an alright storyline. I don’t think she should have repeated the “I’m back from the dead” chorus, it sounds a little repetitive. The bridge is good. I don’t like the end where she is running, that is too long. VOID 2/10 At least the running crossfaded. This sounds like a Harry/Billie song. Copy and paste radio pop. I don’t like the chorus and overall ruins the song. ★ TUNNEL VISION 8/10 Intro is okay. I like the beat, its very Crybaby era. I like this song. The lyrics aren’t dark and witchcraft which took over the first two a lot, and I think is going to be a theme. Everything about this sounds like old Melanie and I like that sound, and this sounds like a more mature version of that. I think the lyrics could have been different for each chorus. Bridge is cute, but I think it should have been fast and not slow. Fits the theme that the bridge should be different, but I don’t think it’s that good here. The outro is good, sounds Bjork adjacent. FAERIE SOIREE 1/10 Should have crossfaded for how long the outro was on TUNNEL VISION. This sounds different for her, I’m not sure if I like it first listen. Slightly political. The bridge is the only redeeming part of this song, only the sound because I don’t like the lyrics. LIGHT SHOWER 4/10 Cute crossfade. I’m a fan of those on this album. So far, I like this song. The lyrics are sad but poetic. Sounds like I’m expecting a switch up soon though. Kinda giving Billie again to me. Not a fan of the repetitive chorus, I think she could have done something different for the second one. Her voice in it is nice. This song is too long and without a bridge that draws me in, I don’t care for this too much. SPIDER WEB 2/10 Another nice crossfade that sets you up for the theme of the song. I like the instrumental for this but am not a fan of the fluttering that is going across my head. I don’t like the beat or the chorus for this. It sounds like an early mix. The lyrics are fine but it sounds too indie, almost like a Gabbie Hanna song. Overall, if this came on, I wouldn’t skip it if I wasn’t paying too hard to the music. Again, without a bridge, the song gets lost.
  15. question for the gays about a lryic because I'm finally reading the official ones and theyre hitting me In one year, we've learned the turn of the mouth The depth that the chest cavity takes Chucky was there for three out of three I was there for the third 'cause I couldn't be There for the one who was closest to me is she talking about missing funerals here?
  16. I hear knife in the heart too I don’t know how wed be hearing it wrong unless she made an F sound during night, but theres no F sound near that lyric for it to be misunderstood as knife. maybe its just her lisp p sure she was medicated when momma was trying to "fix er up"
  17. This part starts out by basically saying that she doesn't always appreciate god's creation of the human mind, the thoughts that she has, but she literally needs a brain to live. She then delves into the irony of needing a brain and thoughts to be alive, yet those same things also contribute to the contemplation and fear that she introduces at the beginning of this song. "There's irony in the music, it's a tragedy...I see nothing Greek in it" It wasn’t my idea, the cocktail of things that twist neurons inside I thought she was medicated?
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