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how the light shines in

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Everything posted by how the light shines in

  1. "Standout track ‘A&W’ suggests so: it mimics this equation almost to scale across a grandiose seven minutes and 15 seconds, four of which are all folksy strings, as Lana casually declares herself an ‘American whore’ – “it’s not about having someone to love me anymore,” she converses drowsily, like ‘Gods and Monsters’ Lana the morning after a night of debauchery – before the song thrillingly transmogrifies into a trap-hop kiss-off with an air of the spooky." - https://www.attitude.co.uk/culture/music/lana-del-rey-did-you-know-that-theres-a-tunnel-under-ocean-blvd-review-428719/ Love this reviewer pointing out the vibey link between Gods and Monsters and A&W, I don't think I'll ever be finished finding parallels to her old work in this new album
  2. ohhh so like if there are rumours that it's missing for some leakers then ones that do in fact have it will be reluctant to say so/drop it for fear of that outing them?
  3. okay okay okay so, hear me out, this full HQ leak without Candy Necklace has some really interesting implications for future leaks. Unless I've missed some crazy lore, that song has obviously only gone out to a few people. And therefore she has the potential to really narrow down who is involved in her process that can be trusted. Anyone with CN is currently a safe source for her and that's kind of fascinating to me. Don't mind me, just keeping my brain busy while you guys ascend and I wait until release day
  4. so first post on Lanaboards after lurking this pre-release and it's absolute feels-shit so under a spoiler to not be annoying it goes lol
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