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Everything posted by Embach

  1. I know that PewDiePie is controversial as hell but I feel like "YouTuberism" died after he "retired" (idk if he retired but I think he's not doing videos anymore). Like I don't know any current 2020s YouTubers right now, besides Mr Beast but he's sketchy. YouTubers peaked in the 2010s.
  2. Honeymoon 60 The Blackest Day 63
  3. Honeymoon - 31 Terrence Loves You - 64 God Knows I Tried - 15 The Blackest Day - 30
  4. Honeymoon 58 The Blackest Day 65
  5. The Blackey Day already won in another old survivor, Honeymoon needs to win this one and Terrence the other ongoing survivor Honeymoon 56 The Blackest Day 67
  6. TERRENCE RIGHTS Honeymoon - 30 Terrence Loves You - 62 God Knows I Tried - 18 The Blackest Day - 30
  7. Aw, The Blackest Day already won another survivor, it would be fair to give chance to another song that has not won yet. Art Deco not being here hurts me as well
  8. Honeymoon - 57 The Blackest Day - 65
  9. Honeymoon - 27 Terrence Loves You - 61 God Knows I Tried - 21 The Blackest Day - 30
  10. Embach

    Song vs. Song

    Get Free vs Pawn Shop Blues
  11. Honeymoon - 28 Terrence Loves You - 59 God Knows I Tried - 25 The Blackest Day - 27
  12. I cannot wait for this! I don't care if she does the same setlist, most importantly we're seeing Lana after a quite long time this summer!
  13. Apples - 11 Oranges - 8 Bananas - 18 Pears - 10 Peaches - 12 Mangos - 11 Lemons - 10 Grapes - 10 Cherries - 12 Strawberries - 12 Blueberries - 12 Raspberries - 11 Blackberries - 10 Pineapples - 12 Watermelon - 15 Kiwis - 13 Pomegranates - 4 Avocados - 10 Tomatoes - 8 Potatoes - 11 Broccoli - 4 Carrots - 11 Celery - 5 Bell Peppers - 7 Onions - 14 Green Beans - 12 Eggplants - 6 Corn - 11
  14. Square - 4 Circle - 4 Triangle - 3 Hexagon - 3 Rhombus - 9 Trapezoid - 4
  15. Honeymoon - 26 Terrence Loves You - 44 God Knows I Tried - 27 The Blackest Day - 29 Swan Song - 14
  16. Honeymoon - 26 Terrence Loves You - 42 God Knows I Tried - 27 The Blackest Day - 30 Swan Song - 15
  17. Square - 4 Circle - 5 Triangle - 4 Hexagon - 3 Rhombus - 8 Trapezoid - 3
  18. Sweden confirmed its first case of a new, more serious variant of Monkeypox (called now as Mpox). I hope it doesn't get as bad and huge as Covid did and I also hope that the patient gets better soon!
  19. My baby Terry must win so it won't lose itself and won't get the blues
  20. Honeymoon - 57 The Blackest Day - 65 The Blackest Day won the very first Honeymoon survivor, so it would be fair to let Honeymoon to win this one!
  21. Honeymoon - 25 Terrence Loves You - 40 God Knows I Tried - 28 The Blackest Day - 30 Swan Song - 17 @jimmyjimmycocoapuff vote for Honeymoon here!
  22. Honeymoon - 25 Terrence Loves You - 39 God Knows I Tried - 30 The Blackest Day - 30 Swan Song - 16
  24. Honeymoon - 26 Terrence Loves You - 38 God Knows I Tried - 30 Religion - 1 The Blackest Day - 30 Swan Song - 14 @DemonMic2003 If you wanna + Swan Song it's 14 then not 13!
  25. Honeymoon - 27 Terrence Loves You - 37 God Knows I Tried - 30 Religion - 3 The Blackest Day - 30 Swan Song - 12
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