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Everything posted by Lanaspoisonivy

  1. what? now the fb live is glitching too.. what is going on today
  2. https://m.facebook.com/watch/live/?ref=watch_permalink&v=676538430644654&paipv=0&eav=AfZImkvBnDl9oSlbwxhIOLjsfiWdOx5DwTx2YreX0IwufLsK3WSBHxRhfTz2uawbRwY&_rdr this one is an okay live. better than nothing
  3. the crowd is making me emotional. I can only imagine how she feels to hear them sing their hearts out to her lyrics so loudly back to her
  4. I just know Byron will tell her "L you're late again" in the earpiece Rob is live
  5. traffic? Is she not there already? everyone else seems to be there already?
  6. Supposedly 7 minutes ago but Rob hasn't gone live so you know the drill, she late
  7. yes! I just saw Porctia's stories. And lana didn't have the faux bob today so it's definitely a different vibe.
  8. Ricardo is going live for 1-2 songs. He just posted it on his stories
  9. 10 minutes until the show starts and still haven't seen anything about livestreams... stressing fr
  10. I no longer think what she soundchecks is a definite indication of what she'll actually play. We've been clowned one too many times. I hope she does it tho and I think she might given it was actually requested yesterday. I love that song.
  11. they might have spread the word among those going to all request the same song- potentially an unreleased? 9/10 times in solo shows she takes requests. That's what we did in Australia in 2018, requested Gods and Monsters and she ended up playing it
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