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Everything posted by Lanaspoisonivy

  1. probably because she was getting rained on at the storm in Arkansas while on instagram live ...
  2. she was talking about seeing people with so many flowers and stuff and then it cut off.. doubt she sang anything in between
  3. Blake will burn the guitar tonight. He's so hot HELP
  4. "it's not just your voice, it's that of your best friends who get 10% because they say funny shit all the time" YASSS BESTIES
  5. when she does the video clip outdo vocals my soul ascends
  6. as soon as the first note of chemtrails hit everyone went FERAL I love it
  7. the crowd is so loud she's getting showered with love
  8. fyi everyone according to Ricardo the internet connection is bad. Just brace yourself just in case
  9. do we have any backup livestreams for today? just in case
  10. oh my first of all I am so sorry. He was more concerned than anything so don't even worry about it.
  11. not THE ERIC DANE at the Lana show with heart shaped sunglasses. The Grey's Anatomy fan in me is SCREAMING
  12. the way I read this exactly like the SNL performance HELP
  13. she actually told Joan to collar with lana in the first place. Joan wasn't sure at first. there's a tiktok of her talking about it
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