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Everything posted by oldandugly

  1. im gonna wake up in the middle of the night in a week still mad
  2. I can’t wait to see what everyone’s reaction will be when Jon batiste wins AOTY
  3. what livestream am I supposed to be watching theres 4
  4. The way this song is the most forced radio hit mainstream song ever and it turned out to be her worst song
  5. They sat them both at the front so the queens didn’t have to walk far to get their awards
  6. Idk what to say if Taylor wins AOTY also im surprised no one thinks guts could win that album is my fav
  7. I dont doubt that a lot of them vote for popularity and not for actual good music
  8. I’m pretty sure there’s tens of thousands of members
  9. Let’s not pretend to be excited
  10. I can feel another huge snub coming. Reading what these voters are saying Just gives me a really bad feeling. Also, I feel like the only people allowed to vote are people who analyse music carefully. Half the voters things I have read voted for midnights just because
  11. Actually I feel like this album just won’t happen but if it does it would be a nice birthday gift
  12. if not I will not be listening to this album
  13. my first pre release thread now add zodiac and lytan to this album
  14. Very interesting that he didn’t vote for Lana because he didn’t like her SNL performance. What a joke that a clown on this level is given authority on an even this size
  15. This is what delusion looks like just do it, no one there is gonna know who u r and judge u for being alone, in case that’s what you are thinking
  16. realistically it’s probably merch, definetly not complaining
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