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Everything posted by oldandugly

  1. no surprise that something like that happened with how many ppl they are
  2. The price isn’t as bad as all the other festival stuff😭 and none of it is even cute or wearable no shade
  3. My whole top 5 is on friday 😭 I love hope is a dangerous thing so badly I would do anything to see it in person
  4. I hope billies somg doesn’t like overshadow the whole set, I can totally see that happening tho
  5. that stage looks so intriguing i wonder what she’ll open with
  6. never been this hyped for a Lana concert before.. Even if I’m not watchin it in person
  7. bye that’s what happened when I stayed up for MITA
  8. i feel like an ldr eras tour isn’t insane, like ngl I could see it
  9. It’ll definetly be up! If not then rewind on the livestteam
  10. I so badly want to see a Lana setlist with different acts it would be so interesting
  11. when she sings million dollar man like she did in like 2012 then what
  12. Then we will boycot toylet this is lanas headline not Taylor’s
  13. Idk why u guys r seeing the weeknd and taylor I feel Nikki lane is coming to gag us
  14. definetly!! I hope she does an a&w opener again like she did last year that was soo cool and energetic
  15. Really???? why does toylet have to steal the shine again
  16. i seen somewhere that Taylor swift is apparently supposed to be performing sotb w her…
  17. Watch her not even put this on lasso
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