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Everything posted by 79lipstick

  1. Does she contradict herself?Very well, then she contradicts herself; she is large. She contains multitudes.
  2. I just read the Daily Mail article. Nothing crazy. His ex only speaks fondly of him, which is good.
  3. My guess is that they didn’t have to try very hard bc no one thought such pairing was likely to happen..and him being so “out of her league” etc
  4. Opened this website to a whole ass essay... I admire the passion and perseverance
  5. An attendee of the wedding posted a pic of the cake on Instagram!! This was it💚💚
  6. It can be. But they aren’t mutually exclusive. It is a lot more social than parasocial. Hope this helps....
  7. No, assuming beliefs about people you do not know is not parasocial behavior by definition. Hope this helps
  8. With all due respect I’m getting sick of “parasocial” and you guys need a new buzzword
  9. Not the background song choice and endless scrolling plus Chuck too?? Main character syndrome much 💀
  10. The Close To You cover is lowkey beautiful
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