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trust no terrence

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Everything posted by trust no terrence

  1. I can't stop looking at this picture.. brunette Lana hits different
  2. Something pulled me back to this thread after months… Something is going to happen..
  3. So... not to be that person... but... where are the southern gothic songs going now?
  4. To fumble Lana this many times...
  5. Well, I guess she was with Donoghue in the beginning of the year after all..
  6. Maybe she saw all the comments on that post about Ethel Cain and changed her mind again lol
  7. Where did the idea of a secret project come from? I don't see anything that leads to this conclusion
  8. I know we are dramatic, but what a waste of talent if she actually takes that long of a break.... I'd like to imagine that she could manage having a family and a career
  9. Was this the secrect project @Pantene123?
  10. ngl.. the last really exciting moment was the Zodiac leak... it's been dry down here music-wise...
  11. Love that for OB Lana was like.. "don't forget me.." and now it's "please forget me " .. Girl.. make up your mind
  12. I took a break and the only news is that Lana blocked a fan (likely a teen) on insta who joked about the Lasso announcement... wtf... really downer times...
  13. It's from here https://www.tmz.com/2024/10/01/lana-del-rey-wedding-ring-new-husband-date/... there's a video as well
  14. I wonder when the jumpscares will end every time I see new pictures of them together...
  15. This is the real loss .... encouraging this dumb mother fkers I guess this is what angers me the most about this situation..
  16. Yes.. This. What I honestly think is there are priorities for her now (family.. marriage..).. and the topics that some of us care deeply about are just not one of them for her now.. (she would look past them) I guess after so many unstable relationships and maybe guys who didn't want to commit she found one that aligned with ther priorities...
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