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trust no terrence

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Everything posted by trust no terrence

  1. I was gonna post it here.. @ popleaks ... How reliable are they? 👀
  2. it's a way to keep us hooked "don't forget me..." yeah...
  3. It’s my first time being part of a Lana album pre-release, and I’m already traumatized
  4. Does anyone remember what @JinnWithin mentioned? Are we waiting for any specific dates?
  5. I would love that.. but didn't she say it was all gone? I don't know if she would revisit it after losing the 200+ pages.. I think it's something AKA/Lizzy Grant related..
  6. @Pantene123 said that something non Lasso related is happening soon
  7. OMG just when I was accepting the fate of the drought... why did you get my hopes up again?
  8. What do you think could've happened? Like eight months ago she announced it. It seems like she's been working on it for a long time... What are the theories?
  9. the "OUT September" just make the wait worse haha... it should be edited by now
  10. I'm afraid this is getting closer to being true than we'd like to admit...
  11. I wonder if they watched the debate together (please don't come at me I'm just trying to image the conversation)
  12. she is working on the album and singles remotely guys... all is well
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