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Everything posted by vicdelrey

  1. Its cute but personally I don’t want the cover to be black and white or too dark I’d prefer something vibrant and colorful, with a look similar to Lust for Life, Norman Fucking Rockwell!, or Honeymoon
  2. Flipside is also on the Fnac exclusive CD
  3. Ben was right too.. Lana sees EVERYTHING, and she KNOWSSS we are waiting and are impatient
  4. I may have been a little too detailed but I hear her quite often on the radio
  5. On the French radio : Summertime Sadness (literally every summer and in 2012/2013 it was literally everywhere ) Dark Paradise (a few times only) National Anthem Video Games (same with SS it was everywhere) Blue Jeans (again huge hit on the radio) Born to Die (huge hit too) Ride Young and Beautiful West Coast Brooklyn Baby Get Free Love (the promos was insane in France i swear heard it so many times they still play it sometimes) Lust For Life God Save Our Young Blood (heard it SO MANY times, It was played a lot here summer 18/19/20) hope is a dangerous thing Cinammon Girl Doin' Time NFR Mariners Don't Call Me Angel Hallucinogenics (same with GSOYB, especially in the summer ) Let Me Love You Like A Women (heard it again like two weeks ago) White Dress I think I heard Dealer once when BB got released Watercolor Eyes (heard it yesterday on the radio ) Snow On The Beach Peppers Let The Light In Paris, Texas AW Ocean Blvd SYTH Tough Take me home The abyss
  6. I don’t think they would have made this “song” or whatever it is just for the Boston show
  7. re-reading the first pages of this thread makes me giggles
  8. this guy hes so annoying and yes it's fake this pic is from wyatt spain winfrey photoshoots
  9. You can’t deny something that you are, and trust me, he knows that we know. If he saw this random TikTok, then he and Lana have definitely seen all the allegations about him being a Trump supporter
  10. Now, with that being said, Lana knows about it and is probably pissed about all these rumors
  11. Jeremy Dufrene declines the rumours in a TikTok comment. https://vm.tiktok.com/ZNddt6eMT/
  12. This rumours is already been spread on TikTok and everyone believe it
  13. wait till the fans acc on ig start to repost it
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