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About JinnWithin

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  1. Well folks that’s it! Before summer there was a dispute with a producer and some songs got allegedly scrapped. I have seen the list of songs considered for a release and “Henry” isn’t on it, unless it has a different name. I understand your doubts and considering the whole Trump/Election thing, most artists wouldn’t release anything around that time due to it might be ignored in media, but I’ve also been told that Lana refuses to be any kind of political since there’s been lots of controversy surrounding her and her stance on the war in the Middle East. So I understand why she wouldn’t want to do a major release before Thanksgiving/Christmas. Either way I have told you what I know and for the sake of us all I hope we’re getting music sooner than later. Thank you for all of your comments even the doubters. I will not be returning to this site ever again. I hope you all live a wonderful and meaningful life and I hope you enjoy Lasso! ❤️ Surprise coming in 5 Love, Jinn
  2. I said she isn’t keen on doing it but she might not have a choice. There’s a project (the surprise/non-music) few weeks before election so it would be insensitive to release music after it!
  3. These aren’t the real lyrics but I wouldn’t be surprised if they do leak since lots of people have heard them.
  4. I have such bad memory due to the excitement but it was something like “After the Grammys I called you back, you missed my call… [something]” No no controversial lyrics but it’s heavily American influenced like GBA. L********e is amazing, the lyrics are like a story/narration being told
  5. I said that if a single is coming it’s coming after the debate and not before.
  6. At the moment the album isn’t finished due to lots of changes. There’s 5-8 songs considered for now so the earliest an album will come out is spring or summer. You have guessed 2/3 of the songs I heard. Thank you for your questions! I will be back tomorrow 11 AM ET, and after that I will be gone forever. I will give you a surprise tomorrow! J
  7. I do not have the album, but I know information and have heard songs. Time will tell No singles this year if he wins
  8. I honestly do not remember any but I do remember that in TCIAM she sings something like ”motherfucker take out your gun”
  9. - No leaked songs - No - The vinyl/CD production has not begun so ATM no cover has been submitted - 1 - Idk - Yes Lasso is the title it she doesn’t change it - Scrapped songs
  10. I was not able to see the time but one song was a bit longer than usual Country Roads Fishtail Cola Nope
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