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cartoon eyes

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Everything posted by cartoon eyes

  1. it's gotta be Flipside i mean that song is a career highlight through and through
  2. the way that at the end of the day; the album won't be out on the 21st, it'll come out with a different title (not Lasso either), and a song titled "The Right Person Will Stay" will be on the tracklist for LDR11 or LDR12
  3. but when is she gonna leak The Fighter + Sweat & Tears ...
  4. sorry to bump an old thread but i just figured out why I recognised Kevin (Jessica Buch's bf) in the pics of this day + era in general - he's Alexis Neiers ex/drug dealer etc from her Vice documentary so so so happy that he remained sober
  5. this cover is genuinely lifechanging - so glad to see it get the credit it deserves
  6. cartoon eyes

    Charli XCX

    one of the best things ive ever heard in my life ...
  7. cartoon eyes

    Charli XCX

    yesss the taste ! i think about it all the time is genuinely one of the most triumphant songs she's ever made imo, a true masterpiece (as is the whole album tbf)
  8. Don't think i ever listened to this before today but WOW "if I can't have you, then they can't have me" is such a killer lyric - this kinda deserved a spot on BTD
  9. the way this could literally be a 2010 pic ... lizzy grant you will always be famous
  10. cartoon eyes

    Miley Cyrus

    fucked up forever still kinda her best song ... she fumbled so bad not putting it on esv
  11. the curfew-break fee being up to $22,000 now kjbdfsbkjdsf this queen
  12. not them being sent by coachella to drag her off stage
  13. i still cant believe she revived "fuck you hard in the pouring rain"
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