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Posts posted by Sitar

  1. Welp, there goes me thinking you'd have some carefully curated mixtapes like you did with Lana





    Let's get to leaking her 100+ songs and I'll have to

    Pm please?  :toofunny:


    Sis as if


    do it well (leaked version) is produced by dan dragonette


    there's a darran bazzoni demo that remains unleaked along with 'the beat' and 'at the beach'


    Wait did Darren do 14? Cuz it looks like he did Emelline and Art Bitch too and I thought it was confirmed those projects shared producers

  2. Reflecting is November 2014 and most likely Benny Blanco

    iirc Darren Bazzoni produced some of them, but idr which 


    Paging @@Madrigal

    But that makes sense for Reflecting



    post your choli xbox unreleased volumes thx


    I keep it simple for ha






  3. jungle original is produced by MNEK

    gravity should be there, also produced by dmitri tikovoi in 2009


    Added Gravity and Atomic, just noted that they are live performances.

    Tbh that means I should add every SOPHIE song brb




    In particular I really wanna fill in the early producers like Do it Well etc because I know people know them but I don't remember. Anyone?

  4. nope, rrring was w/ jack ü, same with up n down, 2016

    I heard someone calling it "ID".


    Mess if she has both Up N Down and Up And Down as track titles. Plus I Wanna Be With U/You if either of those are real :rip:

  5. So Ring is not a Benny Blanco song for Gwen Stefani?


    And what is the other Jack U collab called? How recent are they?


    Someone be straightforward in this world

  6. The demos of Escapades had me a little worried but damn some Azealia songs truly come to life only once mastered. I get it now, the whole New Order meets Chaka Khan but undersea vibe. I hope its the first track on F2

  7. Let Em Talk is my least favorite but otherwise the album is amazing. Like Warrior is DEAD, Kesha's back :defeated: Boogie Feet, Spaceship, Hunt You Down the country BOP AHHHH. Praying kinda sounds like the best song but that's because its an unprecedented magnum opus of her musical output so

  8. Save You was recorded a couple months after True Romance was released, so probably not...definitely can't call it a Sucker outtake though. 


    Thank you. Any producer details?

  9. Omg what a drama about fat boys not being in a video, there's one or two actually...more than enough... when you're out you'll see that 1 out of 20 persons is fat, all this fat acceptance is dumb, it's unhealthy, why should anyone praise the fat ppl? EVERYONE can easily fat up by doing nothing & eating like hell while to have a body like these celebs you must work and put some effort, it's like hey let's praise lazyness over something that has work and effort in it, these boys and their bodies inspire others to do sport and healthy shit while fat ppl do the opposite, I agree that nobody should make fun of obese ppl but I won't praise it either, be comfortable in your body and be happy about but don't rub it in our faces...



    Leak Sticky & TKO


    Lmfao maybe Charli should have had some fat guys :biblio:

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