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Posts posted by Sitar

  1. I really wonder if anyone even has No Angel? i mean it seems like no one does considering not even a snippet on discord has been heard


    What if it wasn't even on the album and its been scrapped like TKO and Taxi

  2. yeah like a week ago for saying to leak some song :rip:




    You don't get WPs for asking for a song to leak. You get WPs for piling onto requests and spamming them to the point that the thread becomes just shitposts

  3. Also Boys will not be on my XCX3 master playlist because it just kinda sucks. I'm sorry but the hook is sooo weak. No amount of promo or topless boys can prop up that flop chorus.

    Not like she had a choice :poordat:



    She was busy thinkin bout boys e0p7lt9.gif


  4. Sober is amazing and I will never get tired of it. I just feel EVERYTHING while listening to it and the part where she whispers makes me SCREAM I love it sm


    Stan it, lowkey underrated as a highlight


    Writer in the Dark and Liability are special but I only really use them in the context of the album. I'm just not seeking out a pleasant piano song to listen to alone most of the time (Change from LFL suffers from this too)

  5. what the actual fuck are these gays doing on the issues recording...  :rip:  dumbest motherfuckers i swear


    Literally keysmashing, like the first batch was not this bad

  6. if I got warned for saying that rosa by grimes was good and that you guys would like it this definitely should get a wp @@SitarHero


    Been distributed. Feel free to use the report button 0mtvMAW.png

    Unpopular opinion but i just dont like ily2

    its just boring and the production is bland compared to the rest of the mixtape


    Why would you lie like this 0mtvMAW.png

  7. I don't care about ppl disagreeing obviously because I disagree with most of y'all on this topic so ?¿?

    I'm not shutting down I'm literally just stating my thoughts on the album & compared to PH

    Ur the one like "who are u trying to convince" as if I'm actively telling ppl they're wrong (I'm not)


    Supercut is too long. It sounds like a car commercial song.


    Yes you are shutting down the convo by saying I have to "deal with it" instead of engaging even though both sides are opinion based and there is no right or wrong. Hence, who are you (or any of us) trying to convince? I no longer challenge different opinions on the album because it surely isn't some people's cup of tea but I'll lightly snark back if you insist its objectively bad or throw in a "I just don't get yall" tryna make it more pointed than it needs to be


    Hate Melodrama all day, but now lets discuss Legende respectfully :slayty:

  8. Omg I think Melodrama is overrated & underwhelming and y'all will deal with it :byeh8rs:


    I am still disappointed she made us wait 4 years for this mehss. Not sorry! ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


    Since we don't have to agree, you're gonna have to deal with responses to your opinion and not just shut down sweaty

  9. Sry I forgot we all had to agree on everything. :hooker:


    We don't, so why are you trying to convince someone with taste who already loves the album

  10. :eartha:


    I may be exaggerating how underwhelming it is, but sis.. album of the year??? :deadbanana: :smh: :rip:

    I just don't get y'all. Pure Heronie is so much better of an album. The melodies & harmonies are unmatched!

    Nothing on Melodrama holds a candle to 400 Lux, Buzzcut Season, or White Teeth Teens.


    Who are you trying to convince?

  11. They are wrong. Also, teaching???


    My ways! (Substituting lmfao)


    They said it was catchy but too dumb. The "serious popstar" rebrand must be incoming. Or full Ariana Grande

  12. I truly don't understand why Swish Swish isn't smashing. It's literally the perfect song. And Nicki is even featured on it!!!!!!


    I heard some teens dragging it yesterday while teaching

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