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Posts posted by Sitar

  1. Okay y'all I gave the number system a slight revamp to include her last three albums lmaooo the fact that I made this before even UV is crazy :toofunny: Will you be the Blue Honeymoon Guru you've always dreamed?


    So using the revamp...


    a HIT thread since 2013. we love a legend!


    28 / 06 / 19


    We certainly do!


    Surf Disco Pussy


    42 / 7 / 6


    Golden Paradise Daddy




    Glamorous Paradise Rose




    Deadly Tropico Bunny


    4 9 0


    0...? I'll give you 1


    Blue Cartoon Queen

  2. 4 8 19


    Ghetto Cocaine Gargoyle


    8 // 4 // 2


    Dying Leather Cowboy


    if you're still doing this, hit me with a 


    49 // 6 // 16


    Trashy Pageant Wife


    2 / 44 / 13


    Retro Drugstore Starlet


    2 47 35


    Retro Groupie Maven


    5 / 29 / 40


    Magnetic Cinema Buggaboo


    18 / 37 / 2


    Heartshaped New York Cowboy


    6 / 2 / 9


    Hawaiian Mafiosi Sinatra


    6 / 6 / 6 


    Hawaiian Pageant Dancer


    14 / 32 / 12


    Blue Heroin Mama




    I'm replacing some of the lamer options with LFL stuff stay toont

  3. I Got It is literally my bop, idc what anyone else thinks! and to think that came from the album in a day..... wow


    A.G. truly snapped on this one




    That white woman did that!

  4. I don't see her going more pop than Art Angels, but I would like to see her have some more professional videos after the Acid Reign stuff


    I mean


  5. Tbh Mykki Blanco should have been on I Got It and Pablo Vittar on Femmebot. The cheesy Brazilian vibe might work on that gay ass track but it's so jarring in IGI :toofunny:

  6. well if those lyrics on genius are real track 10 is blame it on your love!!!


    also this confirms femmebot is the song ag performed live (if that wasn't basically confirmed already)



  7. Yeah why was that mostly Tove Lo, even aside from the ALMA spam? And every time I heard a snatch of Charli's voice it just made me think how much better her tone is compared to both features. I also worry she won't even get the chorus of Femmebot. Mainly I'm really not here for anyone but Charli on the chorus

  8. one question


    can i post dog gifs sometimes to express my feelings about some topics?


    like when these two were arguing, could i post a doggo leaving some specific place bc i wasn't interested?


    edit: this is a serious question and of course i would explain the gif


    Chhhhh yeah. Just don't spam anything and you'll be fine (or add to others' spamming, like multiple members posting the same gif resulting in a wall of spam)

  9. it's what you're put on when you say/do dumb shit i.e. me spamming ~20 pages of a thread w glitter gifs, it makes it so you can't readily comment on any topics without approval of a mod, so you could 'comment' "the gap toothed bitch is ova!" but it'll never go through or be seen by anybody unless staff approves it to go through, the only sucky part is if they're a few minutes late it won't be added as the most recent, it'll appear whenever you submitted it


    in my case during the LfL leaks every comment i posted was like a good 1-2 pages back thus nobody saw it :toofunny: it's definitely NOT fun and NOT worth doing dumb shit to be put under!


    be a good lil member n not dummy


    Love this PSA against mod queue


    I can't punish you for arguing or having bad points of view but for just reaching out to say the most appalling and inflammatory thing, certainly. Also don't PM me afterward to repeat that inflammatory thing because no one can see you post it anymore :rip: @ no one of course

  10. wishing someone to be raped is not just a simple "conflict" :facepalm:

    unlike that member, Wynwood actually doesn't deserve that 'mod queue'. definitely not for any of the comments in this thread, so.


    But certainly personal! And I was definitely addressing everyone and reminding them to stay on topic and not indulge a hotheaded argument that was going in circles ;)

  11. just wanted to point out that i wasn't the one who wished rape upon someone else in this forum


    And unlike that member you have not received a warning and been placed on mod queue. Yet


    Back to the baby girl

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