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Posts posted by Sitar

  1. Wait I thought we established at the beginning that they hacked her got these songs through her email? If that were the case, could the information not be possibly reliable?


    If they'd provided any provable info apart from songs I might believe it. My impression has been that the supposed mixtape is a post-album-leak concept if it does exist so I don't think that would necessarily be sitting in her email

  2. The mixtape sounds incredibly fake. This must be yallses first time at the rodeo, trusting a leaker just because they hacked some songs



    Quote and drag me when its proven to xcxist

  3. I know this girl's music career has been dead and buried on after NTMT but that album is really damn good though.. so whats good lately? i know that she did this whole week/month of showing snippets in ha instagram story...


    Its still the best debut album of all her peers, there's no other way we'd all still be checking her thread if not

  4. HELLO THERE i saw this woman live last night as a last minute surprise and she was SO GOOD LIKE OMG


    This album translates so well live, I can't even describe it. A queen. Also got to meet her and hug her and get pics she's just precious.


    Throwback to me standing in another room listening to the wrong band while she played because the venue had two stages :azealia:

  5. The fact that the Masochism campaign is now on Lynchian levels of delayed satisfaction--helped by David Lynch himself :rip: I guess she really couldn't have told us that she was peaceing out permanently (in the show). I hate and love but mostly hate them both for it, ugh this abuse cycle

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