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Posts posted by Sitar

  1. ^ Interested to know why you put Live or Die so late in the theoretical story happening in that list, I see it as a little happier.


    I thought it would interesting to make a playlist taking a couple songs from every year she's been active and listing them in order, but choosing songs that will go together. Kind of interesting to consider how much she's changed, just by listening to it in order.



    1. Money Hunny
    2. Fordham Road
    3. Out With a Bang
    4. Elvis
    5. Get Drunk
    6. Disco
    7. Trash Magic
    8. Pin Up Galore
    9. Come When You Call Me America
    10. Mermaid Motel
    11. Gramma
    12. Every Man Has His Wish
    13. Dangerous Girl
    14. Driving in Cars With Boys (Demo)
    15. On Our Way
    16. Never Let Me Go
    17. Video Games
    18. I Don't Wanna Go
    19. Ride


    He could swallow me.

    I'd swallow him.


    I jest.

    I don't.

    I do.


    I'd have relations with him once, maybe twice, if I was inebriated.

    But then again, I'm a bit of a slut.

    But then again, so was our kween~












    I'd fuck him :pft:



  3. Q2: And yes! You've pretty much got this right. There are parts of "Without You" (vocals) but the track is original- not by me tho! :D


    The more you talk about this one, the less illuminated it is for me :what: :teehee:

  4. I've just sort of skimmed through this thread (it's far too long and I'm far too busy to sit down and read it all in one go lol) so apologies if any of this was already addressed.


    I remain absolutely convinced that the vast majority of her songs are/were written about Jimmy. Speculation can be fun, and some of these theories are really interesting, but what Lana has said herself should take precedence as truth. Imo, the two most important quotes to consider are:

    1. She has said multiple time, in so many interviews I couldn't even think of where to source if I tried, that Born to Die, Video Games, and Blue Jeans are a trilogy about the same man/relationship. Going off that, she said she cast Bradley in those videos because he reminded her of the man she was singing about. And so these songs are obviusly about Jimmy.

    2. She's also quoted as saying something along the lines of "... I sing about the same damn person all the time, so I'll probably always be in love with him.." Which, again, just makes me assume that the majority - if not all - of the love songs on BTD are about Jimmy.


    I think some of you take things too literally. Blue Jeans doesn't have to be literally about her boyfriend being arrested and sent to prison. Her mentioning elements of hiphop/street culture doesn't mean her boyfriend was black (I'm not even going to touch on how offensive and stereotyping that is tbh I can't deal I mean wtf). She uses the same themes over and over again in all of her music. She's been obviously influenced by hiphop and rap musically, lyrically, aesthetically. She's obsessed with old Hollywood and glamour and seems to have been so the bulk of her life. That's why you get references to grills, gold chains, phrases like "baby boo" or "ride or die" and these dramatic cinematic storylines like in Born to Die, Off to the Races, etc. They connect back to her real-life experiences, but I don't think it's exactly literal.


    OK this comment is about 20x longer than it should have been so I'm just gonna stop here. What am I doing with my life, etc etc




    I respect your opinions but I can't help but immediately refute them:

    1. Just because she only explicitly names one guy, first and surname, in all the songs she's written doesn't mean she isn't writing about others. LBR, try rhyming something with "Mizrahi". I will point out that she qualified VG, BTD, and BJ as a trilogy, but not a trilogy about the same man. There's a rather lengthy post within expanding on that, if you're open to giving it a look.

    2. She's said a lot of damn things, to be honest. The count goes up to two when you consider that she also said "Video Games" is about two different guys. And while "Blue Jeans" may be vague in it's criminal references, Sirens certainly isn't, although I'm interested in hearing you explain how "Now he's in a jail cell for some thirty years now / Is this what you wished, to be serving time?", "K's a friend of mine, I think about him as he does time", and "Last year they decided that his time was up and he got re-tried / Double homicide / Now he's onto death row, not to hang around, though / Is this what you wished, did you wanna die?" are some grand metaphors for Jimmy.


    I would say that Jimmy was an important guy. But I think they all were--at least, K, Mike, and Jimmy. I'd even agree that a lot of Born to Die is likely about him, but to discredit her long-term relationship with Mike and some glaring, obvious references to prison that totally avoid any subtlety at all just because something she said in an interview is not so wise in these analyses.


    And I absolutely refuse to incite a race war in this thread, those posts were the epitome of harmless speculation.

  5. Can I just...well, not produce a song, because I have no skills in that area. But can I just throw you some ideas, Lana? Because I am almost positive she let this song do only one thing as far as instrumentation goes and I'd really like something towards the end...something progressively darker, maybe some strings kicking in. I anticipate liking this at first but it not sticking with me for that reason.


    Please prove me wrong. Please do something interesting :defeated:

  6. omg sitar. yours is ∞ tbh


    Did you write this when my avatar was the flag one? I changed it like a minute ago because I thought it was too much, but if the reviews are infinity...:P


    Oh, 8 (+1 for the bare legs in the avatar :hooker:).

  7. That's the one!


    Okay, it's just one moment I want gif'd, and it's a pretty specific one. At around 3:16, just the couple seconds where she has a fan and the American flag in the background. No more, no less. Really not much motion going on, but I'm weird and want it. Is that doable?



    Yep, whenever people who had the album were playing their full disclosure game on OGG, they said "Yayo" suffered because she changed the ending. Couldn't tell you in what way, but the chorus is already kinda hurting so I don't know what else she might have fiddled with.


    I'm with Coney Island King, the best part of "Yayo" happens from the bridge to the end when she gets quiet and the music is subtle. So I can see why not doing it exactly like that is probably gonna rub a lot of us wrong.

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