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Posts posted by Sitar

  1. Tutor related memories/experiences? :what:


    Well I already wrote a hugely self-indulgent post about when I met her last week, so I'll try for something else. Recently I've been spending a lot of time trying to get my friends into Lana Del Rey--it's been kind of successful, but I discovered I get really defensive.


    For instance, I let "On Our Way" play in the background while me and some friends were playing board games I mean normal teenage stuff, yay booze...and at the end when she starts just singing "We're on our way" over and over and all the fans rejoice...well, my friends was just kinda like, "Yeah, you're on your way." Sarcastic, because she really does say it a lot.


    So I immediately snap, "IT'S CALLED EMPHASIS, LACEY." Lulz abounded, but the message is that I am not the one to be fucked with when it comes to Lana. I was just sullen for the rest of the boardgame uh, drinking.


    Also, in summer, I wanted to drive by the Chateau Marmont just to see it because Lana was staying there, and my friend started going on about how crappy her music was and what a terrible live performer she is and I got so heated. Happy to report this is the same friend I convinced to go to the "Ride" premiere with me and she's now a big fan :P

  2. I have one master playlist called "Miss America" that I listen to chunks of at a time, with like 86 songs...I won't share that.


    This one is called WHITE PONTIAC HEAVEN, for the in-between era of Sirens-AKA:

    1. Pin Up Galore
    2. The Man I Love
    3. Trash Magic
    4. Jimmy Gnecco
    5. Disco
    6. You're Gonna Love Me
    7. 1949
    8. Methamphetamines
    9. Elvis
    10. Pawn Shop Blues (Demo)
    11. Axl Rose Husband
    12. Get Drunk
    13. Fordham Road
    14. Rehab (Demo)

    This one is SPARKLE JUMP ROPE QUEEN, it has some of her quirkier and more offbeat songs:

    1. Mermaid Motel
    2. Diet MTN Dew (1)
    3. Playing Dangerous
    4. Birds of a Feather
    5. Smarty
    6. Hundred Dollar Bill
    7. Lolita (2)
    8. Moije Joue
    9. The Man I Love
    10. Put Me in a Movie
    11. Come When You Call Me America
    12. For K Part 2
    13. Trash Magic
    14. Brite Lites

    This one is DADDY ISSUES, for twerkin' (what I imagine her pop debut would have looked like):

    1. Kinda Outta Luck
    2. Ooh Baby
    3. Hey Lolita Hey
    4. Daddy Issues
    5. Prom Song (Gone Wrong)
    6. Paradise
    7. Dum Dum
    8. Dangerous Girl
    9. Push Me Down
    10. Gogo Dancer
    11. She's Not Me
    12. Butterflies
    13. Backfire

    Digging that Florida Dark playlist and stealing it.

  3. Touch dicks in the d-a-r-k dark tonight...


    In the dark you can do whatever you want to, yeah-yes.



    Wow. I think a lot of people on this forum just really need to get laid tbh.


    1. You forgot Monicker, Monicker, Monicker, take me to the park, buy me chocolate cake, touch tips in the dark.


    2. You're the one who was hitting on me with this English teacher business, saying it was ironic that I thought you were my teacher because Lana may or may not have fucked hers.

  4. As far as studio material goes, in Every Man Gets His Wish the lines:

    I was working down in the corner cafe

    You would drive by in the Chevrolet

    Whistle at me as my hips go sway

    "Lana Del Rey how you get that way?"


    I just smile. It's so sweet and classic Lana to me.


    That whole bridge :legend: Makes it pretty close for me, but when that "Mermaid Motel" chorus kicks in I'm instantly a burlesque dancer and that counts for something.

  5. So now we know Sitar sits naked in the dark with his headphones on singing give me the brite lights just like me. Fuck it, wanna touch dicks in the dark sometime?


    Fuck the forum skipping ahead past unread posts, how did I miss this? Three days old :defeated:


    The answer is a resounding yes. As long as can also eat some cake while we're doing this :creep:

  6. I'm not talking about your favorite song, or your favorite lyric. I'm talking about the moment in a song that makes it special, that you find yourself waiting for and anticipating. Production elements, a particular accent or vocal trick used, kicking in of a certain instrument...all this applies. However, this is exclusively Lana.



    For me, it's the final chorus of "Mermaid Motel". I don't know the musical jargon of the technique she uses there in her vocals (Monicker could probably teach me a thing or two), but it's absolutely mesmerizing and a real contender for one of the most brilliant, effective decisions she's made in her music. How's that for a grand statement? Even if the credit goes to David Kahne for that last chorus, maybe that's just confirmation of what a dream team they were. It just instantly stops me, the way it seems almost...turned inside out? Just go listen to it, it starts at 3:02.




    While I did wanna share that, I'm really interested to know your musical moments with Lana. Anticipating some "dark nights" from "Yayo", don't disappoint me ;)


    Q: Maybe I'm wrong, but what happened to image pop-up when we click a supposedly shrink-down-fit-to-page images? :(


    Don't know about the other part of your question, but this has been bugging me, too. Now you have to go through a whole ordeal of right-clicking ---> "view image", bah.

  8. I wanted to make this a whole thread, but I'm not ready. Here's my question:


    "When the leaks stop, are you still gonna be as involved a fan?"


    I think the answer for most of the forum will be No, but I'm not sure. To my dismay, we've never even had a month go by since February without at least one leak (and usually much more!), and I don't care what you say--one day they will stop. For now, it might to some of you guys seem like a big party, but when there's a drought, will you still be as active as you are now?


    Just a thought. I haven't thought it out as well I would've liked, but every single one of us on here needs to ask him-or-herself this. I mean it.


    As long as she releases new music herself, I think. But if my mind were to be erased of all the leaks we already have? Probably not.

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