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Posts posted by Sitar

  1. I think Burning Desire is about Barrie and Lucky Ones, of course


    And I see where Ride could fit in, as well. I think they r so cute :flutter:


    This begs the question...when was "Lucky Ones" written? Because she's obviously not been dating Barrie that long (maybe a year at this point?), and all we know "Radio" was the last song written for Born to Die.


    "Burning Desire" is pretty nonspecific, but nothing about it is particularly sad, so I could get with that.




    I've never listened to the whole of burning desire.


    Every time I listen to it I kind of hate it and change to another song halfway through..


    bad fan tbqh PyyGV.gif


    Everyone's agreed it's a grower, give it a chance.

  2. You guys don't really understand at all. Half the time on the forum i'm just like :facepalm:. You guys really don't understand it at all. You're constantly comparing it to other situations and other cultures but there is no other culture or type of oppression that native americans endured and still endure today. I don't understand how people can defend something because it's Beautiful and looks amazing but has no meaning behind it, but say "Fuck off, come one, are you serious?" When people try to defend something that is so damn sacred and special to a lot of people when it's being sexualized, misused, and shit on. It really makes me question what people stand for.


    It's like vanity overrules your humanity when it comes to this whole headdress situation.




    Racism, though. Your entire post is absolutely true, but this thread in particular is addressing claims that she is a racist and that's she's exploiting native heritage for money. I'm sorry, but that's way beyond whatever ignorance she did actually exhibit in the video.

  3. I don't want to do it anymore. I'm feeling really stressed and unwelcome lately, and I just don't want to do it. I'm getting the box-set anyway, and I'm tired of getting the lowest score out of everyone. I'm also really busy with school and that is much more important. Good luck to everyone else.


    Don't do it, I wanna see your beautiful entries! Don't allow it, Riley! :crying:


    HDB does raise a good point, even if he is ~wimpy~

    Why isn't the grand prize, being grand and all, the box-set? Can this happen? :creep:

  4. One trader was really pissed because he had recently gotten a hold of unreleased songs but they were all leaked during the Holocaust. I told him that he had gotten everything only to lose everything. So now he knows what true freedom is.


    :lmao: WHAT IS AIR jbdbkj;dsagjlbags



    Those leaks were kinda out of control, but I would NOT mind Rock Me Stable...although they were probably lying.

  5. YES! YES! YES!

    The performances of "Feel My Pain" and "Lock You Up" are just superb. :3


    Lock You Up, oof



    Kinda hate that I love a song called "Neon Fashion and Glowstix", but it's gr8.

  6. Was she using symbolism in Ride? I guess all we have is the dubious screenshot from twitter of her explanation, so maybe we can't comment on any of this yet with certainty. However, even if that was legitimately a response from her, i think the symbolism is hard to pick up in the video (maybe that's my own shortcoming though). There's also the fact that it happens in conjunction with her brandishing a gun and drinking in the desert, while saying she's fucking crazy, which, needless to say, doesn't paint a good picture. In Ride, she's a white girl, she's basically herself, and then suddenly she's in the desert with the headdress. In Summertime Sadness, there's nothing about her and her character that couldn't make her a lesbian. Anyone can be a lesbian. It's used in the video as a vehicle to tell a love story, something that is as universal as anything can be. It's not as if she was in blackface in SS or donning a kimono in an attempt to be a Japanese character. She wasn't stereotyping gay women. There was no symbol or badge of gayness that was used in the video to either make a point or simply look pretty. She wasn't taking something recognizable and in the process representing an entire group of people.


    So then we'll call it "fashion". Fashion versus portraying a lesbian for...what reason? Even if it was basically respectful, it was still a culture that she basically has no business making art out of. Because she obviously had a purpose for doing it, even if it wasn't a symbol or badge of gayness or just for aesthetics. I'm not saying I'm particularly offended by it, nor the headdress, but we have to look at her other actions. Is it disrespectful to wrap yourself in the American flag?


    Anyway, this has the potential to get messy, because I'm not sure I was intending to make a point in the first place.

  7. These groundbreaking lyrics :eek:




    Pull my hair, push me down

    Knock me flat on the ground

    Push me down

    Pull my tails, turn me ‘round

    Baby, do it right now

    Push me down


    In the dark you can do whatever you want to, right now


    Hell on wheels, leather vest

    Doing what you do best

    Kiss my mouth

    Be a man, make a mess

    Can you turn it out, yes?

    Kiss my mouth


    In the dark you can do whatever you want to, yeah-yes

    In your heart, oh you know I was meant for you, too, didn’t you, yes?


    One, two, three, four


    I’m your little baby doll

    You’re my Mr. Rock n’ Roll King

    Make me wanna sing, sing for them all



    Dress me up, drive me ‘round

    Oh, you’re loving my sound

    Drive me ‘round

    Hit me up, mess around

    Get me drunk on the town

    Mess around


    You’re a fool, but you’re cool

    And I know that you’ll do what you want

    Whatever that is

    Be a good baby, you should be gettin’ me whatever I want


    One, two, three, four


    I’m your little baby doll

    You’re my Mr. Rock n’ Roll King

    Make me wanna sing, sing for them all



    Motel swimming pool

    Breaking in, we can do

    Whatever you want

    ‘Cause we’re young and dumb


    Sexy fool, make me drool

    Loving you is bad news

    But you’re what I want


    Ooh baby, ooh ooh baby, ooh ooh baby

    Pushing me down

    Ooh baby, ooh ooh baby, ooh ooh baby

    Kissing me now


    Keep it up, baby, love you a lot

    And I’m not gonna stop

    Mix it up, keep it fun

    Boy, we’re crazy and young

    So don’t stop


    In the dark we can do whatever you want to, yeah-yeah!


    One, two three, four


    I’m your little baby doll

    You’re my Mr. Rock n’ Roll King

    Make me wanna sing, sing for them all



    Motel swimming pool

    Breaking in, we can do

    Whatever you want

    ‘Cause we’re young and dumb


    Sexy fool, make me drool

    Loving you is bad news

    But you’re what I want

  8. Pfeiffer. As in Michelle Pfeiffer, who played Tony Montana's love interest in Scarface.



    Love and desire.


    Of course it's "love", I think I must have just been blindly typing...Interestingly, there's nothing in this song about pain, so there's a nice Freudian for you...Where is the Monicker emoticon when I need it?


    Pfeiffer! You know how much Scarface stuff I googled with that even occuring to me? Jesus Christ, I always amaze myself.

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