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Dimitry Kubrick

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About Dimitry Kubrick

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  • Birthday 05/21/1991

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  • Location
    Nantes, France

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  1. I'm selling most of my cd's of Lana Del rey Check it out http://www.ebay.fr/sch/dimitriam2010/m.html?_nkw=&_armrs=1&_from=&_ipg=&_trksid=p3686
  2. I spent a lot of money for some editions very rare, especially when i collect lady gaga cd's ^^
  3. Well most of the promos/samplers on ebay made are fake coz it's so easy to make one, and of course, people can be stupid to buy them a lot ( sometimes more than 200 $ ) ... for something that cost only 2 $
  4. Yes I'm sure at 100% I do collect promo from various artists and trust me : those promo are very fake. There is not informations writing around the cd like all the " legit " promo, and look at the font of the ride one. A real label wouldn't let the white blank like this. It looks so fan made. Cancel the transaction. It doesn't worth it
  5. Those cd are fake. Make by a man on his computer ...
  6. I personally think that this picture can make a excellent album cover. I already oimagined it in a glossy digipack <3 i can't wait for all those things : album cover, single, single cover, videos, ... ALLLLLL HERE WE ARE ARTPOP !!!
  7. My paradise tour merchandising : I also got the official poster of Paradise cover.
  8. 3 news items today, bought by a freind of mine when he went to the olympia show : - Paradise tour program ( perfect book with stunning pictures ) - LDR Zippo - paradise official poster ( not in the picture )
  9. It's the box-set with the french sticker
  10. promo single from the inrockuptibles magazines including the active remix of ride.
  11. Here are the pictures of my collection with all my latest cd i got during my moving
  12. Hey guys, i'm finally back. I have finally internet in my new apartment. And here is the newest cd i just got : born to die korean promo edition still sealed Yes
  13. My sealed DARK PARADISE single arrived in my megastore. Running right now to get it !!!!!! haaaaaaaa
  14. I only miss 5 items. One will arrived monday. i have to order the 4 others one
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