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Posts posted by COLACNT

  1. Warning! What you're about to see will evoke a lot of jealousy. Open at your own risk...  :defeated:




    looks like he's about to lose a load right then and there. love it


    its funny looking at candids of lana cause whenever there are men in the vicinity, there's always this subtle, animalistic look in their eyes. case in point:




    well, this one isn't particularly subtle

  2. Cool videos. :yesnod: I'd like to do this but how do you go about copyright and things?

    thank you <3


    i started out by changing the pitch a bit, but that didn't always work (they'd eventually get removed and i'd get slapped on the wrist) so i started changing the pitch more drastically, inverting the audio, etc. seems to be ok now.


    *knock on wood*

  3. Lana looks nice and hot even with extensions. I dont like girls with extensions. When you caress the hair is not the same touch is not the same. dont look good most times too. She is very americana. Bad fashion, fake hair, plastic surgery in the face. The only thing missing is a boob job and fake tan. Very usa

    um, her fashion is fucking sublime. she doesn't always look perfect (which is a good thing) but there are always strange little details, like fabrics you can pet, or slippers you can steal from a lounge -- but it's always very her. it's called personal style, which is something you can't buy off the rack


    also, (southern) california isn't representative of the 49 other states, honey

  4. How does it look like she's trying too hard? There were a handful of parts where she looked really awkward in her movements, which is very Lana. I don't really get the other thing you said either. Lesser artists? I'm just confused. I mean it definitely comes off as commercial (of course it will guys, it's basically a car advertisement) but it's still a lot of Lana.

    i dunno how to explain my disdain, really, it's just an intuitive thing i suppose. like yea, she always looks a bit awkward, but that's because she's just straight up awkward. but there's always a seriously endearing quality about lana that seems to be missing in this video. i can almost see the wheels turning (ha) in her head, like she's trying so hard to physically manifest her idea of how a sexually languid performer would move around on stage (or a pole). i guess if you think about it like that, it's kind of adorable, but still, my opinion still remains. (now i'm imagining her practicing those moves in front of a mirror, like a girl practicing for her recital)


    what i meant by 'lesser artists', is that, all of the images seem as if they've been lazily spliced together by some 'creatives' on contract at jaguar. none of them are particularly evocative or stunning, they're just grainy. i don't think lana would have chosen them for her own videos. maybe t. swift would have? i mean, the bloody rose, lol


    BRITE LITES >>>>>>>>>> THIS

  5. this may be an unpopular opinion, but to me, this video is shit. contrived, pseudo-arty shit. she looks gorgeous, obviously, but she also looks as if she's trying way too hard to look 'sultry'. she's sexier when she's not trying. those moves, the clips, the editing, everything here should be reserved for lesser artists (or... quintessential 'pop stars')


    not blaming her though, i'm assuming this was jaguar's direction

  6. wow, she really didn't put any work into these lyrics.

    I think the repitition plays into the part of her 'character' in this particular song, like she's heroin addled and fame obsessed or something. it would explain the detachment in her voice as well. I get the feeling Lana does everything for one reason or another, or at least I like to think

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