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Posts posted by COLACNT

  1. brite lites -- it gets better and better every time i hear it. she's singing like a strung out beauty queen with only one goal in mind (fame), which i think explains the repitition of the lyrics. there's hints of desperation and vampishness in her voice, and when she throws in the the verse with the 'trampoline', she adds an additional layer of tragedy / tainted innocence. simple, yet complex. not to mention its catchy as hell and seemingly impossible to get tired of

  2. again, this may be a bit of a long shot, but i need help identifying some of the footage that she's used... =)




    from 2:21 - 2:26 (and at other various other parts throughout the video) she has these beautiful transitional clips, which i'm assuming are from some experimental film that i just can't seem to find anywhere. she uses these black and white clips, involving flashes of light, and light bulbs in her videos for the national anthem demo and on our way. she also uses some of derek jarman's short films in both videos, and i've seen him brandishing light bulbs in front of models so i'm thinking maybe these clips are also some of his? but i'm not sure. i love stumbling across her footage in its original form <3

  3. I've never really been a true fan of like, anyone, I don't think. but I feel a bit of a connection with her, in terms of her visual style, her overall demeanor (awkward, but often misconstrued as bitchy or even worse), and her whole 'world' in general (what with the various shades of narcissism, girlish emotional torment, and daddy-heavy love). My focus in school has always been science, but I feel as if she's allowed me to tap into a more creative side of myself (re: fan art). ultimately, despite the depressive and often fucked up undertones, I think she's made me more optimistic about life, and people in general. no easy feat.

  4. I quickly scanned through little bits of video games on hype machine and thought, this sounds good, I'll put it on my phone. I listened to it for the first time in full on a long drive home. It made me feel the best kind of weird and I think I cried for like a sec cause her voice was just so good, especially hearing it in a small enclosed box on blast


    then I looked her up when I got home and was like THAT'S HER? wut


  5. I would still love her, I think. but would I be absolutely fucking obsessed? probably not. I'm very affected by those that "strike me visually" just like the rest of the human world


    I can't imagine being a straight man. I'd fucking off myself since I wouldn't want to be alive in a world where I knew I couldn't ever have her


    obviously she wouldn't be so vilified either, if she weren't so damn beautiful. her SNL performance (if there still were one) would probably have been dismissed as artfully awkward or something, rather than atrocious

  6. BRITE LITES - she looks stunning. the clips are awesome. and the whole deadpan beauty queen wave just kills me

    LOLITA - she looks stunning. i like the colors, and the scenes with the sailor scouts are genius

    CARMEN - it becomes obvious here that she's had years of practice. the editing is fucking phenomenal

    YAYO - perfect atmosphere


    (million dollar man is also one of her most beautiful, but it isn't on the list)

  7. million dollar man - cause in the past I've been drawn to a sociopath

    carmen - cause I often feel that I have to falsify my happiness, despite having... a lot to be grateful for

    diet mtn dew - cause I love me some diet mtn dew and cause I think i might be a tad masochistic

    get drunk - cause I've been known to enjoy getting numb and dumb

    gods and monsters - cause I'm naive as fuck and like to get it hard

    you can be the boss - cause they can be the boss


    oh lana, how I love thee

  8. I wonder if i'm the only one who found barbie coming on during the dramatic (yet beautiful) violins around the end of off to the races hilarious. Omg haha. I think your videos are fantastic :)

    thank you <3 haha yea, i was hoping for unsettling/funny. at the time i made it, she was still positioned in the american media as nothing more than a vapid beauty queen, manufactured for the male libido (thus the barbie)










    hopefully it doesn't get taken down this time =(

  9. I also vote for high functioning aspergers, if anything at all


    I think she's an INFP (Myers-Briggs personality type). I've become interested in type theories because they always seem accurate for myself and for the people in my life. INFP's are quintessentially spacey, linguistically gifted, mellow, creative, etc. I recommend the test for those that haven't taken it


    I = introversion (as opposed to extraversion); self explanatory

    N = intuition (as opposed to sensing); head in the clouds vs. feet on the ground

    F = feeling (as opposed to thinking); emotional vs. analytical

    P= perceiving (as opposed to judging); unstructured vs. structured


    coincidentally kurt cobain and david lynch have been widely speculated as INFPs as well. (I'm INTP, and my last boyfriend was INFP, so my obsession with her makes sense on multiple levels ahah). she could be INTP, which would explain her purported lack of emotion. people often think I'm a bit loopy in reality, so I wouldn't be surprised. i've learned that having an 'I' and an 'N' in your type basically means that you're fucking crazy anyway

  10. Wow, you're shallow as fuck. To me it seems like he's the first guy to actually make her happy.


    you don't know that she's happy. or that she's unhappy. or why she's with barrie. or anything about their relationship at all. the basis of your opinion isn't really any different from mine. the only way to speculate is from the outside looking in, and that's my opinion. i'm not a shallow person, but when it comes to celebrities, the surface is pretty much all you have to go on.


    whether she dumps barrie or not I don't really give a fuck. I hope she's happy but I'm throwing in my two cents in regards to what I've seen. not like it matters anyway

  11. Why?


    i mean, i don't know him, but i get the sense that she could do much, much better. i don't care much for his general demeanor from what i've seen and he's really not a very attractive guy in my opinion. i think my standards for her might just be a tad astronomical


    he gets points for having a peculiarly nuanced palette for pussy though

  12. sometimes i still can't believe that she like, exists. i mean look at her. compound it with that brain, and you've got the most effective form of conversion therapy available to man




    she was always beautiful, but.. i've also been staring at this gif for about 9 minutes

  13. Those people obviously have some deep psycho-trauma if they're touched by emotionless "singing"; being touched from something like that is not a normal reaction, but I don't judge.


    psycho trauma? girl you must be real young cause your worldview seems a tad limited


    i think her voice can be quite contradictory. its somehow lacking emotion, and yet simultaneously full of it


    if you don't hear it, it's your loss. personally i couldn't give less of a shit but you're being an unnecessary twat about it

  14. yes, people trash her character. rarely do they mention the music, actually. they call her fake, they constantly insinuate that she is vapid, that she lacks talent, emotion, a soul, etc. people are particularly harsh when it comes to her. it's unreasonable and kind of depressing knowing that the mere surface of things can totally contaminate another persons thoughts and feelings about you. I understand why she feels the way she does, the idea of 'beauty' seems paradoxically taboo in the states (just like 'sex'). the fact that she's like, quiet and weird and shit certainly doesn't help her case. although it's expected to have people not like your music, I think journalists often don't like her. that oyster interviewer was a particular cunt in my opinion. by asking if they like her music, she's asking if they like her, in a way, since her music is an extension of herself


    the media in general seems to be coming around though. the more recent articles have moved from tones of visciousness to a backhanded passivity

  15. Why does this blog hate me.


    cause you have talents that they don't


    i've always wondered if maybe she herself is behind all these leaks somehow (as well). i've even wondered if homegirl bombed on snl on purpose, to get people talking. you never know with her, she's like, scary fucking smart

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