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Everything posted by Yosemite

  1. It's a filter probably. In the other stream the vocals were like this ones
  3. Her dance at the chorus FUCK FUCK WHAT SHADE'?? I DIDN'T GET IT AHHHH
  4. It will probably be the same setlist but wtv SHE SHADED THEM AND THAT'S ALL IT MATTERS She's looking full of joy today, maybe she will sing Get Free just to annoy them more
  5. His wi-fi or wtv is awful Anyone has a better one? WHAT DID SHE SAY? I DIDN'T GET IT
  6. Going live PWYC now https://www.pscp.tv/w/1dRKZbZPaeMKB
  7. Looking like this right now He's going live on Twitter/ Periscope
  8. There's no links. At least not until now Update: This guy will go live after 13B https://twitter.com/Grungehoneymoon
  9. A few minutes ago https://twitter.com/Raq_Villanueva/status/950216640657965056
  10. Radiohead must be at the door not letting people in
  11. Oh yeah, people aren't tweeting much yet so you're right That's a bummer! But you'll see your dog will get better And you're right, she needs extra love today yeah. I hope people there all chant something like 'Fuck Radiohead' or something to give her strength. Enjoy the show. Keeps us updated if you can tho
  12. Yeah, I'm gonna look into it as well I'll report back to you when I know something / have a link
  13. Fuck, an hour? I thought it was like 10min Must be 10min till the opening act, right?
  14. Sisters, we need a link How many time left before starting?
  15. Exactly. It really saddens me to see this happen with her. I love her with all my heart and she's such an angel and now this. They don't deserve 1% since their song was already sued. I don't see them winning but I'm not sure what will happen. Yeah, I'm not a big fan of Radiohead but I loved Creep a long time ago. I hope their greed screws them as well.
  16. Now that you've pointed out... It's like she was waiting for some green light or something. It's truly sad now tho. I'm not as pissed as I were a few hours ago. I hope they lose the case. If someone could sue here would be The Hollies because they won the cause against Radiohead but idk. I hope they lose and they get dragged even more
  17. Scream Yosemite and then "RELEASE IT ON ITUNES OR I'MMA SUE YOUR ASS"
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