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Everything posted by Yosemite

  1. We can't really blame Lana for not releasing LFL on the 26th cause it wasn't official. But we can blame her for saying Spring when July 21st is clearly not spring... Although, I agree with July because June is full of releases
  2. there's only these 4 photos... https://vk.com/ldrey?w=wall-29173834_231684
  3. Dua, Katy, Lorde, Halsey, and maybe Iggy. There are so many so I agree with a July release. Paris Match could be wrong but I don't think so. It's the first magazine that show a release date... and May 26th it's not realistic. Lana always did preorders (I think) and the alleged date is right next week. But think about it this way: we will get more 2 singles, possibly, and the LFL video, and a well-deserved preorder (next month, I guess). So it's not that bad
  4. There are loads of releases on June. If she isn't indeed releasing it this month, it's a safe choice to release it on July
  5. Stop creating drama please, I know it's sad that the album isn't coming on the 26th but we never had an official statement to begin with. And now we have something official and a date. It's not really that far and this way we'll get to see LFL video before the release and we might get one or two singles In other news: I NEED ANNE TO BUY ME PARIS MATCH
  6. Really wanna hear When The World Was At War We Kept Dancing
  7. It was FLAUNT but I think they said single but as just a song itself. They said "the single TNC" and "the single GBA"
  8. Miss Del Rey if you're nasty
  9. Nope, she tagged them because they were there with her (pam and anne did her hair and makeup)
  10. Beautiful People ft. Stevie Nicks When The World Was At War We Kept Dancing and she teased some bits of GBA
  11. yeah, that's the reason HM is the cheapest- because it doesn't have any vinyl I always wanted Paradise boxset tho... but it costs like 270€ now and I'm like
  12. I emailed them about that. They say it's because of its weight but fuck. 51€ is too much for shipping
  13. yeah, you're right! If you resell them, they cost even more. not less than 100$ I guess
  14. Idk... HM costs like 16€ and UV 21€ (but UV has a fucking shipping cost so high- 51€ just to ship it) -this on the european store I think I'm going to buy LFL boxset and then HM's cause it's the cheapest. If there isn't a LFL boxset, I'll just buy LFL CD + Vinyl (my first vinyl ever!)
  15. I wish I could buy the Flaunt mag but I can't cause if I do I won't have much money to buy a possible LFL boxset... And then I won't buy it later cause people will be selling it like 1000x higher than it is :icant:
  16. I'll burst into tears if this happened I still have hope
  17. But is When The World Was At War We Kept Dancing the song that @Eclipse said it had a really dark sound? Really want a deluxe version
  18. The way I interpretated is that she was reluctant but she actually decided to include it on the album? idek
  19. BTW, did When the world was at war we kept dancing make the cut? I didn't understand that part if it's still on the record or not
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