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Everything posted by Yosemite

  1. I actually liked the pastor interlude for what it is, considering the album has some chaotic, but good choices, but it could def be shorter yeah
  2. Already uploaded the files to my iTunes library w/ the right metadata. I'm just waiting for CN to leak so I can listen in order. Currently, I've only listened up to Judah Smith Interlude, going for a smoke by the window and when I'm back y'all better have leaked that shit
  3. I don’t have that much control tho I’ve listened to The Grants and Sweet when they leaked (but that way we had the first four tracks so it wasn’t major problem order-wise). And I also listened to Peppers, bc that’s my song, but I haven’t listened to anything else.
  4. Def agree abt The Grants. I love and am a die-hard fan of Text Book but there’s no way in hell it’s a better opener than The Grants.
  5. Mmm but it wasn’t meant for Chemtrails either tho it clearly doesn’t fit the vibe nor the sound, but yeah
  6. At the top of my head, title track, Text Book, Wildflower, Sweet Carolina, Black Bathing Suit, Violet For Roses and Arcadia EDIT: oh, and also Beautiful
  7. Y'all have to, I doubt she'll ever release that. And we pretty much have the song in its entirety, it's been known for a while now. Not studio quality but still
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