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Everything posted by Yosemite

  1. Whoever wrote that annotation on Genius abt her grandmother... they said it's about her grandmother Beatrice Dautresme, but her grandmothers were called Cynthia (Grant) and Madeline (Hill) lmao Lana's M hand tattoo literally was in memory of the latter. I already corrected it
  2. @Elle you should correct the second line, they're mistakenly singing mind, not mine
  3. Didn't Lana say that Melodye was the one who corrected the others? I'm guessing they both messed up
  4. I lowkey think I'm gonna pass on the pic disc. I love the drawing but on the disc it looks bad (to me)
  5. Or or or... hear me out. Candy Necklace has her baby mumbling in the intro confirmed!
  6. Candy Necklace was done around late summer, she'd be almost 7 months, and that's impossible. If that were the case she'd have to be showing and she's not. So it's almost impossible that she confirms a pregnancy on CN. However, I'd love if she was pregnant, you can clearly see she really wants it
  7. When the surprise is that she's releasing Prettiest Girl in Country Music on BBCR1 as the first single from her LDR X NL album
  8. Since probably day 2! On the first day I just thought it was cute, but the next day it clicked. Def one of my favs from the album
  9. Oh, and I'm not a religious person myself. Not totally an atheist but def not a religious person, let me make myself clear! On topic: I can't wait to listen to Peppers
  10. No one's saying you did, it wasn't a direct reply to you or else I'd have quoted you. I'm just saying art might make you feel uncomfortable & I can't see why someone would get triggered from that interlude specifically — but that might have to do with me not having any trauma associated with religion. Take the allegedly raped line from A&W, for example. I definitely CAN see people getting triggered from that, but with the interlude I can't. If the preacher wasn't credited most of us would think he was just some man making a speech
  11. I just listened to a bit of Pepper's beat/instrumental for the first time from that LQ file, someone leak it plsssss I'm dying
  12. OMG not my song! If it's legit I'll play 3 seconds just to get a little taste EDIT: I played it and it's just someone's attempt to remove the tags
  13. The problem with religion is not religion itself but the people in power/behind it. The Bible should never be interpreted literally, and most of the time it isn't — and the only time preachers and priests do it, it's based on what they think it's right or wrong/what's cultural and socially accepted. It's only for you to learn something, not blatant and literally follow its texts and scriptures. Can art be challenging? Yes, and it might make you feel uncomfortable. Art is not meant to make you feel good. If it does, then that's great, but you should not hold it against the artist if it doesn't. Ultimately, it's the artist's choice to make what they want of their art. I mean, it's just a preacher's sermon, and Lana's laughing and talking while he's at it. Also, you can interpret it in infinite ways: Lana's lowkey mocking him/Lana's not even paying attention/Lana's liking it so much/Lana's just casually recording, etc. Like, it's not that serious. To some extent, I can't get why some people might be uncomfortable, but imo the interlude itself doesn't have any shock value. It's just something she wanted to put on the record and might not even have any other deep meaning (like, for example, putting The Trio on BB).
  14. Did he really say it’d be announced this week? I remember checking his posts on ATRL and I never saw anything of him saying when it would be announced. I might’ve missed it tho
  15. The pic disc is up for preorder on any other EU store besides her Italian store?
  16. After that ban, Ella and polish sock lady, we only need a scat attack and the album will leak instantly
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