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Everything posted by Yosemite

  1. I won't say I still have hope but I'll say what I've previously said: her for Christmas can mean anything. It could mean week before Christmas, Christmas' eve, Christmas' day, day after Christmas, 27th, 28th and so on. I'll wait till 28th (or 29th at the latest). However, if it's not coming, I hope she says something- maybe her label didn't let her release this bc, as some users have already said, they solved the vinyl issue and COCC is coming in the next two/three months.
  2. Corrected it for you tho
  3. If she actually comes through till the 27th w/ this (for Christmas could mean anything) y'all be like
  5. Still my favorite poem from Violet, really wish it was on the spoken-word record
  6. Lmao y'all are never satisfied, I guess? On Fallon, they were pre-recorded vocals + pre-recorded back-up vocals, which she then lipsynced. Now she was clearly singing (no lipsyncing), just had some pre-recorded back-up vocals and you still complain?
  7. Well, loved our chat but I'm going to bed again lmao Gotta be up in 4h
  8. For everyone that's annoyed by the comments- you can turn off the chat. Next to TAC's logo, there's an icon on the right, click on it (and also, the image will get bigger w/o having it on fullscreen)
  9. They know that if they put Lana performing early then 40% of the viewers would leave after. After all, it's for a great cause so I ain't mad
  10. Yeah, that's why you don't assume people's genders. Of course some people don't mean it in a bad way but still
  11. Of course she'll be the last one performing. It's only to make people watch till the end and try to gather as much donations as possible. It's fine since they're doing it for the right reasons. Get it? Yosemite performance incoming
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