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Everything posted by Yosemite

  1. Delete it please. Now you've put it out into the universe I need her blonde in the cover, I bet she won't be back to blonde for a good while
  2. Now she fucked it up If it's recent, rip blonde 2020-2020, you will be missed
  3. Lmao these are legit stills from the Summertime video I-
  4. Higher quality than we had before? 'Cause the demo itself isn't new
  5. I'ma have to stop you right there. I loved loved LOVED the cover but I gotta be honest: the vocals are really quite simple, nothing too exaggerated- she could definitely go way higher on those high notes (not that she needed to, I'm just stating that she could). However, she didn't and the performance itself is nowhere near oversinging, what made the song was her delivery (e.g the way she pronounced stuff, the whole lowkey vintage vibe). Now, if you wanna talk about the performance itself, the way she "acted"/lip synced, then I'd somewhat agree that she overacted but I guess that was intended- she might've been inspired by some singers from the 50s and/or she was just having fun, nothing too serious lmao
  6. Yosemite

    Miley Cyrus

    I liked the video but the best part was Miley dedicating it to her exes and telling them to eat shit lmao Also Divine at the very end- loved it
  7. The song is great as expected but I wasn't expecting that video at all! She's looking hot and like she's having a lot of fun. Loved the vocals, simple yet beautiful. Can she drop a 7" picture disc of this? Lmao
  8. I mean, if they're classics it's bound to happen. I'd love if she covered I Put A Spell On You and Bang Bang, like you said. It would be nice but let's wait till wtv the release date is
  9. Yosemite

    Miley Cyrus

    The song's... not what I expected at all (considering that mv preview) But it's really good, nonetheless. And it's a grower, for me.
  10. I'm using this one for all EH outtakes Bunch of alternatives for you:
  11. K but Eternity goes HARD
  12. Why don't you ask UMG Thai? Jk, it's likely since they'll both drop @ midnight GMT so yeah
  13. So, let's see how many of these I manifested right One down
  14. Yeah, and I get why some people might not like those two lines too much but if you think about it, they're great; she's basically saying: you're homophobic, but you're hypocrite enough to get money from gay people (Beverly Hills)
  15. I think that's just the 7" vinyl. However, it would make sense bc I bet they want these sales (that will be shipped on the 12th) to count for the album release, and since they gotta be shipped till the release day, it would really make sense. Also, 12/03 is a Friday
  16. Oh, it's not that... It's the fact that I have to wait 4 months for it to arrive. The item + shipping would be ~22€, which isn't cheap but ain't expensive at all. I just didn't want to wait that long for it. A part of me wants to wait a bit, but another wants to buy it tomorrow bc it's limited to 3000 copies and I don't think it will stay up that long
  17. NOT HER RELEASING THAT 7'' I'm REALLY tempted but March 12th...
  18. Mother nature's dying, nobody's keeping score I don't wanna live in a man's world, anymore
  19. Lmao d'you also want a WP?
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