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Everything posted by Yosemite

  1. I really hope she uses old footage like when she used to edit her own videos (VG, BJ, LOL, etc) Either way, we keep winning
  2. Actually, Spotify says it's "we could get high on something trippy" instead of "high on pink champagne". I hear both tho so idek lmao but nice memory
  3. Fr, the pic itself isn't bad (excluding the black background, font and roses) but what was she thinking? Even hope's cover is better. She could've really just chosen the unedited pic and slap the title on it. Sure it would look simple and lazy af, hope's not ugly just lazy, but at least it wouldn't look that bad
  4. She really just said "title of single out tomorrow in the USA" and left lmao
  5. I couldn't decipher what it was but after seeing someone said "pink champagne" I can't unhear it so I guess that's what she saying
  6. Someone pointed out it's "high on pink champagne" Sounds legit, I don't know
  7. Yosemite


    Um...Yeah It's just something I do for fun when I got nothing to do which...drum roll... is quite often
  8. Yosemite


    Don't got anything else to do, so stream lmao
  9. Yosemite


    Mixtape trailer
  10. Those voices are from text-to-speech sites. There's a voice in there that I "use" for "Bette" lmao
  11. Yosemite


    Oh my, that beat all over the song... Doesn't sound good to me, at all. As some user said here, it does kinda reminds of Stoplight De-lite, but in a bad way lmao
  12. Yosemite


    Nah, I get the lyrics on You Never Know, and I like them but it's so bland, production-wise. I can't like Bet You Wanna but yeah, I'll stay w/ my LTHM and PS Yeah, they've been quite controversial on some stuff that happened in their videos
  13. This poem is my fav from Violet. Thought it could be here Thanks to the Locals (exactly as seen as in 'Violet Bent Backwards Over The Grass')
  14. Sylvia... Jk. But God, that "sometimes I’m afraid my sadness is too big - and that one day, you might have to help me handle it" part always gets me.
  15. I get it but like, it's cringe to you. Not to me... And, I'm not trying to sound rude, but since it's my acc, and since it's respecting the guidelines of the forum, then it's only up to me. The picture is gorgeous despite all the mess. But that wasn't even the point when that person replied w/ my pfp
  16. Now you're just stirring the drama lmao I've already said I'm sorry but go off
  17. Of course would be a reason to say that, (pfp means profile pic). Anyway, it's not like I said something VERY rude to you. You've got the right to be offended so, I'm sorry It's pretty self explanatory but okay lmao
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