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Everything posted by Yosemite

  1. https://open.spotify.com/album/1ax39pSMpEOf5LKtEFAPdR?highlight=spotify:track:2LuvH7kRNFhyCgFjGPPHlF Here it is
  2. I don't care about your religion, orientation or race but if you're not #TeamShea then you're wrong.
  3. What if the reason there was no Violet orange vinyl was bc there will be a COCC one?
  4. Agreed. Not on the color tho Also, I had a dream that the title-track's rhythm reminded me of Queen of Hearts'. Slightly less upbeat The lyrics were something like "There were chemtrails in the sky" then something about some night
  5. Everyone has cringe lyrics "HeY KiDS, SPelLinG iS FUn!" But it is true, some Lana's lyrics tend to be vague/make you wonder what she's actually saying. Taylor's are mostly direct, you don't need to really think on what they mean
  6. Not some of y'all talking about Taylor on a COCC thread. This is why these pre-release threads get so long, is that hard to stay on topic? Talk about the vinyl color again
  7. In all honesty, all I really want is the cover and tracklist. Actually, I wouldn't mind if she didn't drop any song before the album's release
  8. Lmao as if his car was custom-made There's tons of cars like his
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