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Everything posted by Yosemite

  1. Yeah, that's not Charlie at the end. Unsure if it is Sean but it's an old man's voice, for sure. However, if it is indeed Sean they might not even be together. Just friends
  2. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AJRk_wY8y_M
  3. I don't really agree w/ what Rorman says most of the time, but this time they're right. You always talk like you know when in reality, you're just assuming stuff. Also, you sometimes reply to people in a passive-aggressive somewhat condescending way. It really isn't cute
  4. Yosemite

    Zella Day

    I haven't listened to her in ages. I always loved Hypnotic, Sweet Ophelia. I stopped following her on the following year. But this video and song; ma'am this is a serve. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=le6_Eim7G3E
  5. Yosemite

    Azealia Banks

    K, just some facts: 1. There's no reverse racism. Black people can't be racist towards white people. Azealia's statements weren't racist, she's just being petty, rude and trying to stay relevant. 2. Lana's "controversial" post wasn't racist nor was she putting down other females; it could've been worded better, there was no need for her to state those names but what it's done it's done. If you still think she was being racist then the problem's on you, not on her. 3. If you say something like "I don't care if Lana gets body shamed" then I'm not even sorry to tell you you're a gross person, blatantly rude or you just plain stupid. Also, I really do hope you, or people you love, never get body shamed because it can destroy a person's self-esteem, even more so during this pandemic. PS: I know this is a forum and bc of that you can discuss anything you want. But just a reminder that stating your opinion ≠ being blatantly rude
  6. Yosemite

    Azealia Banks

    Anyway, some users are delulu. Pure bs
  7. Lmao I wanted to refrain from commenting but She literally looks normal, not fat not skinny. Her body legit looks normal- and also, healthy. The ones saying that they can't believe this is Lana or that she's fat are the ones that loved and praised her BTD body- when in reality, she really was underweight on that time. Anyways...
  8. Yeah, agreed. They should quote/reply her tweet and state their opinions and why they didn't agree. However, she was lowkey mysoginistic and the whole article is a mess. I really thought it was some old guy who wrote it
  9. Lmao brazilian fans found the girl who wrote the The Guardian article's Twitter and they're ripping her apart LINK: https://mobile.twitter.com/yazzarf/status/1288390953020133376
  10. Hun, I'm not saying for them to post it here, wbk there's been problems here we don't need moreI'm just saying, on other releases ppl rip shit faster and w/ this... But yeah
  11. Regardless, they're both to blame. Personally, there's no problem w/ NFR. Only that it didn't have Yosemite
  12. Yes and no. She has the final word, yes, but iirc Jack had a sound that he thought was fitting for Lana and after listening to it, she liked it. So, whoever sees any problem w NFR, they're both to blame
  13. Her delivery was *chief's kiss* Her raw voice, the fast pace that reflected desperation/hopelessness
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