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Everything posted by Yosemite

  1. Don't post it in here, it's not from Violet. It's from Behind the Iron Gates, post it under there
  2. I love being a good example Also, I said "hun" at the end so PS: you should've really posted this under the "Instagram Updates" thread. If everyone created one to express themselves about this issue then we'd have tons of unnecessary threads; just saw you're a newbie so at least now you know
  3. While we're speaking on unnecessary things: this thread was that. Unnecessary. You should've posted this where people are talking about it, not creating an entire thread, hun
  4. At the end of the day, everyone has their opinion. If you want to disagree with her, you have the right to. If you think some of those artists she mentioned had it worse than her (which I can agree to some extent) then I fully support you. However, if you make this a racial thing you're just sick or you just want more drama. That post didn't have an ounce of racism. Not even a bit. She could've chosen her words better, that I can 100% agree. But she chose to post it raw and it's still valid despite the quality of her words Yes. If there were a somewhat of a debate I'd be on board. Like, people expressing their feelings, her listening and address it. However, people were just being toxic and hateful and she replied like that and I don't blame her. Also, I loved her irony on "Thanks for the Karen comments tho. V helpful"
  5. I really don't think that's the case. It's not that she wants to be right all the time. She said X and people got angry because they interpreted it as her saying Y. If I were her, I wouldn't apologize either because people would see it as "you were right, I was being racist and tearing down women" instead of "yeah, I may not have chosen the right words and I shouldn't have named other female artists (...)"
  6. I agree w you at some extent. I don't think she was angry or pressed when she posted the first photo. And I think when we said she's chill she was talking about that.But yeah, she totally got angry when people started to distort her words
  7. Now ma'am, do you want some ointment? Because that was a stretch.That line can have multiple meanings and Lana's the only one who can say what it means. I get what you're saying and that could be it. However, it could also mean that "the woman says no but man think it's a yes" not making it her fault (the woman) but making it his fault. Like, "men hear what they want, even if you say no" making it your fault when it's theirs.
  8. Lmao u guys First you say she should address the post, now you feel embarrassed... Shut up, Karen. And for the people who didn't like her #fuckoff post, it wasn't the only thing she posted, she addressed what was happening and after explaining her point, she said #fuckoff and I couldn't have said it better. Stay mad if u want to
  9. Lana from 2011-2012 is back lmao
  10. Yosemite

    Charli XCX

    where are the instrumentals tho?
  11. Yosemite

    Charli XCX

    Pink Diamonds could be better if she stuck to the old version but yeah, I still like it
  12. Not so long ago tho
  13. You can't expect her to be the same throughout this 8 years. Don't get me wrong, if you ask me what "Lana" I like better, aesthetic-wise, I'd go instantly: "BTD/UV". But like, calling someone who has this vision and writes as good as her basic it's nonsense to me. She was in her mid-late 20's, she's now on her mid 30's. Let her drink matcha and be interested in baby showers or herbs or whatever Also, it just pissed me off when I saw you calling her petty because of the Mother's Day situation so I may have sounded passive-aggressive bc of that.
  14. See? Wasn't that hard. There was no need for sugarcoating it. Also, there were always subtle hints here and there. The main difference was that she wouldn't share so much of her life as she does now. And people change, you just don't stagnate. You learn new stuff, you start liking other things and that's it. It really was gradual, not like "I'm a gangsta Nancy Sinatra" one day and "I love to drink matcha with my girlies. Btw, I'm also interested in herbs now" the next day.
  15. this. You don't have to "approve" everything she does or says just because you're a fan, but like, she's human give her a break and let her be
  16. Like some of you said rightfully, you don't know how is Lana's relationship with her mom to call her petty or that she's forgotten her own mother. She has the right not to celebrate this day w/ her mother if, in fact, their relationship is toxic/they're not close anymore. Things happen and that could be from her mother's end of even Lana's. In regards of her so called persona: people change, in 10 years they won't like the same things they like, they won't be as carefree as they are or partying like they were. I do agree that some things might have been treated as "imagery" and then people just linked the two things. In my opinion, in the beginning it was like 20% "persona" and 80% her, which isn't a lot. Tha_dont_make_no_cents_luv.gif Yeah, I can see where you coming from but like, you're still calling her basic which I don't think she is. But yeah, it's your opinion and it's as valid as mine
  17. Not to sound rude but like, you said "I agree to a certain extent" in regards to that person's comment, right? However, you literally said what they did. Shouldn't you say "I fully agree with you"?
  18. Yosemite

    Lady Gaga

    agree, i'm hooked
  19. And I agree with you, NFR release, for example, was pretty unpleasant. I don't like when she does this. But like, I hate when people say she "owe" us something, cause she doesn't
  20. Where did I say they weren't allowed to feel like that? I somewhat feel the same in the sense I really wanna hear it and don't want to wait more. But lik, all I said is that I don't agree with that feeling of entitlement. She doesn't owe us anything. And you're right, we don't owe her anything too but you don't see Lana saying she's angry and tired when we don't get her enough streams, pre-orders or wtv. It's really a one-sided thing so you can't use that argument against her lmao
  21. I kinda get what you're saying but when u said "she has her poetry album as an obligation" I just It's not an obligation, if she ends up not releasing that it's her choice. I know people want the spoken-word record, I want it too and she could say something about it, I agree but like, chill. It's not the time to have that childish attitude of "SHe oWeS iT tO US. We WaNT tHE alBuM" I mean, Literally.
  22. Yosemite


    The schizo in me jumped out
  23. Lmao do you always have to be rude when other people don't have the same opinion as you? It's getting old, girl. Don't stay bitter 'cause that shit makes you wrinkle faster
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