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Everything posted by Yosemite

  1. Yosemite

    Lady Gaga

    agree, i'm hooked
  2. And I agree with you, NFR release, for example, was pretty unpleasant. I don't like when she does this. But like, I hate when people say she "owe" us something, cause she doesn't
  3. Where did I say they weren't allowed to feel like that? I somewhat feel the same in the sense I really wanna hear it and don't want to wait more. But lik, all I said is that I don't agree with that feeling of entitlement. She doesn't owe us anything. And you're right, we don't owe her anything too but you don't see Lana saying she's angry and tired when we don't get her enough streams, pre-orders or wtv. It's really a one-sided thing so you can't use that argument against her lmao
  4. I kinda get what you're saying but when u said "she has her poetry album as an obligation" I just It's not an obligation, if she ends up not releasing that it's her choice. I know people want the spoken-word record, I want it too and she could say something about it, I agree but like, chill. It's not the time to have that childish attitude of "SHe oWeS iT tO US. We WaNT tHE alBuM" I mean, Literally.
  5. Yosemite


    The schizo in me jumped out
  6. Lmao do you always have to be rude when other people don't have the same opinion as you? It's getting old, girl. Don't stay bitter 'cause that shit makes you wrinkle faster
  7. Actually, it doesn't. Just because you didn't like it doesn't mean it sucks. Music is subjective. Just because you didn't like it doesn't mean it has no artistic value. I mean, I dislike Beyoncé's songs but that don't mean she sucks. Don't agree with you on the originality bit but personality-wise, yes. I liked L+F, not as much as her previous albums but it's still something a listen to some times. But yeah, the album has no personality at all, lyrics and production-wise. I think the problem was she had too much time to do it, had a previous concept then started from scratch then wanted to add some songs from the other concept and well, it became this. I think she got lost, really However, one person here said when it got released, that L+F isn't a bad album at all, it's just "bad" by Marina's standards
  8. Yosemite

    Alphabet Song Game

    Ultraviolence by Miss Del Rey www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZFWC4SiZBao
  9. did anyone save it nvm
  10. Yosemite

    Selena Gomez

    I mean, I know it's early but has Boyfriend's instrumental leaked? I need it for something
  11. Yosemite

    Alphabet Song Game

    Wait for Life by Emile Haynie featuring Lana Del Rey https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZwSSsld_YnY
  12. Mariners Apartment Complex - 32 (-) Venice Bitch - 53 California - 58 (+)
  13. Yosemite

    Alphabet Song Game

    Hallucinate by Dua Lipa
  14. Yosemite

    Dua Lipa

    Love Is Religion is soo
  15. Yosemite

    Dua Lipa

    To me, the album is (based on a first listen): 1. FUTURE NOSTALGIA - 8/10 2. DON'T START NOW - 9.5/10 3. COOL - 6.5/10 4. PHYSICAL - 9.5/10 5. LEVITATING - 7.5/10 6. PRETTY PLEASE - 6.5/10 7. HALLUCINATE - 7/10 8. LOVE AGAIN - 8/10 9. BREAK MY HEART - 8.5/10 10. GOOD IN BED - 6.5/10 11. BOYS WILL BE BOYS - 7.5/10 But I feel like it's gonna be a grower, I mean I'm re-listening 'Cool' now and I'd probably change my 6.5 to a 7 so yeah I feel like overall, the lyrics could be better.
  16. Portuguese gays have won Really want a pic w her like omfg I cried so much during the show + after lmao
  18. Yosemite

    Dua Lipa

    Break My Heart is a bop (gives me Another One Bites the Dust, pretty sure she sampled it, but infused w/ disco) Really like Physical but Break My Heart is my bitch Between those two, BMH is the one that really gives me the sentiment of "future nostalgia" (Physical was released officially and BMH got leaked tho)
  19. Saw Lana twice tho One of them at the end of this Aerosmith's performance
  20. I wanna see Rosalía Where's the girl ughhh
  22. where's the link? I have one but it keeps pausing for ads
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