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Posts posted by Melania

  1. That's :) awful... Well, but I think that the USA x China conflict is something that would happen, no matter how. Two imperialist countries wanting to take over the world, that's inevitable. (and that's why i'm against imperialism)history repeats itself, the first as tragedy, then as farce

    yeah true, but at least obama kept it peaceful and calm,

    ..donald duck on the other hand :eek:

  2. China is one of the most hated countries, I mean, a lot of countries have/had conflicts w/ China. Oh, and what you've said it's another important point: if we start a war, everybody will die. And I don't think that's interesting for them


    So is the usa though :awkney:

    and like i said chinese people have a different mindset, even if it doesn't make sense& will kill us all,

    if they feel like that's what their country needs to do, then they will do it.

  3. But it would be China x Rest of the world, you know? There's a lot of countries that want to grow and China blocks them. China is dominating the international market, and there's some countries that want this "Chinese Empire" to fall a part so they can have more chances to become more important

    but umm china is china you know ? :awkney:

    they will fight when it comes down to it.

    And then there's also no debating who might will win because we all will be dead.


    Edit: and showing his power to intimidate might work here in the west, but china ain't having that.

  4. I really hate Trump, but he's pretty smart actually, he plays dumb to stay in the media, sorry, but a man with a giant business empire like him can't be stupid, it's pure acting, he knows very well what he's doing, BUT he's interested in his personal gain, you know?. I don't think we would have an WW3. USA have a lot of nuclear weapons (so does Russia) and China wouldn't be dumb enough to fight them, almost nobody would be on their side, I mean, nobody wants to fight USA or/and Russia. I mean, he pretends to be dumb so a lot of american would relate to him

    actually china has the biggest army in the world, they also think differently there..

    1,6billion people.. i mean really ? :awkney:

    oh and of course china would fight with them if it comes down to it because they're on the same level as russia& america..


    actually a goverment newspaper already threathend Trump with 'Revenge' if he continues to visit taiwan..

    (and we all know what a hot-head trump is)



    and to top everything of, taiwans president tweeted this yesterday:




  5. I actually think there's a high chance of WW3 tbh..


    Trump& Putin could be allys, they both dislike china

    (and china dislikes them) hell trump even visited taiwan and pissed of the chinese even more before he was even inaugurated, complely unaware of what he was doin &chinas and taiwans history..

    he's like a too confident donkey that do's as he pleases without realizing the damage he is doing.


    +there still is north korea (who by the way is allys with china :awkney: )

    and right inbetween, there is europe falling apart.

    Oh and of course isis doing other shît


    :eek: :runs:

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