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Posts posted by Melania

  1. Lots of Germany is unhappy with Germany's past and current decisions of immigrant. if she's striving to win the next election she needs to acknowledge these types of attacks instead of putting them to the side and worrying about banning a full veil


    and if merkel doesn't win the next election, a right-wing party will win,

    and we gonna have our own trump mess.

  2. its not just the album that she needs to do a mind blowing job at, its also her promotion. without appearances, interviews, etc. nobody is going to even know an album dropped. she needs to stop being scared of the media.

    tbh i don't care about appearances or stuff.


    i just want some great imagery, and some amazing videos a la 'Ride'.

    (imagery is one of the main things she became famous for tbh.)

  3. Well for something to be a game changing album I think she would have to change her style at least a little bit and not have songs with a tempo as low as the ones on honeymoon.. honestly I just want songs with great lyrics again and that takes time. HM has tragic lyrics at some points. Paradise has her best lyrics, and UV lyrics are very good too.

    you tryin' to say 'stranger than a stranger' isn't a fantastic lyric ? scandalous.

  4. I need to vent.


    Anyone who knows me a bit knows how much I've stanned Sky for years on end, but I am just so plain tired of her career and the way she deals with everything. I'm getting to the point where it's even annoying me seeing her Instagram account or her tweets (even though I don't play on unfollowing).


    I'm sick of her announcing something today and it eventually taking years (YEARS!) to be released. I'm sick of Sky teasing us with songs that will never (NEVER!) come out (Song 1 from SoundCloud says hi alongside a bunch of other snippets). I'm also sick of how she deals with her career and all this ~I can't release music, poor me~ (when we know she came up with the whole Night Time, My Time in basically one and a half month).


    I find it hard to believe she has so many problems within the label because she's not even relevant enough for producers to keep her from releasing music and the label being so hard on her (is she?). If you can't release your music, then just leak it for at least you'll remain a bit relevant. It's not like we're still in 2010/2011 when EMI tried to sell her as ~Hurricane Lolita~ and invested hundreds of thousands of dollars on super expensive producers and all.


    Considering Sky is my soulmate and I've been by her side for literally almost seven years and I'm finding it difficult to remain a fan, I wonder how many fans/admirers/followers she's already lost for being one of the messiest artists in the music industry.

    lol problems with her label my ass.


    she is just too lazy to do anything music wise lol


    playboy is easy, writing good music isn't.

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