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Posts posted by Melania

  1. I respect her for protesting and everything she stands for, but... What happened to Joanne and this era??


    It feels like it's over IMO, only one MV, 0 promotion, like WTF?? She's into politics now??


    I suppose I'm just so sad because we got one MV and few performances (not including those bars or whatever), and that's it.

    wait for her political era, including 50s clothing and traditional american imagery


    with amazing song titles like:

    'perfect confusion'

    'john f. kennedy'

    'president down'

    + an amazing cover of 'you can't always get what you want'



  2. omg i played the first one to death when i was a kid.. i wanted to get new leaf but i think it's really similar to the first one ?

    i don't know if it's worth it but i loved the first one..


    kind of waiting for a new one to release..


    FUCKING HELL look at this and watch it till the end, if you weren't scared before well.. you will be

    just look who he wants to bring into office..


    why do unstable people go for leader positions ffs


    well after watching this imma enjoy the last months on this planet.

  4. Closeted racists/sexists/bigots are already getting brave with their words. So many people have been racistly attacked/ been victims of hate crimes since the election..


    I, myself, have completely lost faith in humanity

    all we can do now is sit back and watch the world burn. :illumilana2:

  5. people literally took the time out of their day to go to the polls and write in Harambe for president. imagine have this privelege. the chance to joke around while other people are fearing deportation, gay marriage annulled, police force getting stronger while innocent african americans are getting killed, etc. truly tragic

    people REALLY have their priorities straight

  6. I really can not believe this has happened. Fuck Donald Trump in every possible way. Hillary deserved this and actually worked her entire life to earn this. She may not be perfect but she's the diamond in the rough compared to that horrible horrible man.

    exactly i feel personally bad for her, america literally spat into her face for the last 18 months and she just kept fighting and going.

    she worked her entire life to get to this point and now this..

  7. Hillary is probably having a nervous breakdown. Imagine losing to the presidency race to a fucking cheeto :crai:

    she planned her victory party, she was said to be the first female president in history, she devoted her whole life to politics and then she loses to a fucking orangutan.. i would hang myself

  8. Welp they totaled everything and on fox and cnn they said he won and hilarys camp won't accept

    lol same, whenever i got a bad grade i just didn't accept it.. failed the schoolyear but at least i didn't accept it.

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