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Posts posted by Melania

  1. i literally agree with everything you just said

    and people believing praying to someone, metaphorically drinking their blood and eating their body and going to church every weekend will too? wow

    nah it's all bullshit lol

  2. That's bullsh*t. Do you really think these people come here and then suddenly decide "oh well, why not start a terror attack and kill some people"?


    Germany, just like France, are western countries that are "interesting" for those terrorists. Do you really think they would just get here as refugees on accident? Do you not think they have ways to get people into the country to do things like that any way? Do you not think that there are "members" of ISIS here that are native germans?


    And all of this "Danke Merkel!" talk is just pathetic Trump-level sh*t. Of course refugee politics and the integration of refugees should be discussed, but what do you want? Horst Seehofer politics?

    So many people alking about "western values" that need to be protected when they don't seem to have them themselves,

    lmao no, refugees don't suddenly decide to become terrorists,

    but terrorists are coming into the country disguised as refugees, it's not that complicated.

  3. um.... the residents of Syria had nothing to do with the war. and who said it was a good thing? it's not. and not taken everyone? what do you mean? like, only taking women and children?

    but they are from a country that's in war right now.. it's a tricky situation..


    and yeah exactly, people who are endangered the most so woman and children

    why? because, especially in islamic countries those are usually the ones getting raped, sold etc..

  4. by that same logic of a country's priority to keep it's people safe, where would these people go? back to another country where it is more dangerous for them to live then them as a danger to where they used to live? I'm pretty sure they said the same thing during the holocaust. we see how that turned out

    no, but we just shouldn't have taken everyone, we should have had stricter controls..


    and if it endangers the countrys original citizens, who had nothing to do with it, then it's still not a good thing..

  5. I understand your point, but even if 99 percent of refugees and all killed one person we'd still be saving 1% of people. I think with a situation like this, death is needed for reform. not letting them in will result in them dying, bringing them in will also result in dying. it's just the way it is.


    fair enough, but shouldn't a countrys first priority be to make sure it's own people are safe ?

  6. the terrorist also killed the driver of the truck before he stole it. the driver was polish actually so the truck was polish but it wasn't him.

    although it is terrible what happened i hate how now all my xenophobic and racist country is hating on refugees even more :( :( :(

    weeeeell of course i know not every refugee is like that, hell 99% aren't


    BUT if we wouldn't have let them in this wouldn't have happened :runs:

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